Jun 20, 2006 16:15
hey you guyz! hah. i deleted a shitload of people off my friends list just now. mostly its just people that never update or people ive never really talked to and shit like that. i dont update this very much but i DO read my friends list and comment every day. okay, well almost every day. sometimes i have other stuff to do, like work and sleep and play mario party. but yeah, spring (summer!) cleaning is done. my freaking banned users list is kinda big now too since stupid ass bots keep trying to add me from god knows where. whateverrrr.
everything around here is going well. married life is still nice. our one year anniversary is in about 3 weeks. im excited because we are going to stay in the bed and breakfast we stayed in on our honeymoon. we are even getting the same room! hehe. we are still saving up to buy a house and we are thinking about talking to realtors soon. im kinda freaked out about that though because ive never done anything like this before. SCARY. :)
alrighty, i gotta go get ready for work. i hope everyone out there is doing well and all that jazz. byeee!