Once again, why you're irrelevant

May 02, 2006 10:08

The ACLU manages once again to be retarded.

I don't know which is worse. This, or when they defended Nike in a suit against the law requiring Nike to disclose that its products are made in sweatshops (well, it required all companies to do so but Nike sued). The ACLU claimed that Nike's civil rights were being violated. I won't get into that one.

But, if you look at the church who they are defending...well, it isn't really a church. It mostly consists of this nutter and her family and friends who go to the funeral of soldiers killed in Iraq and hold up signs that say, "Thank God for dead soldiers". The law prevents anyone from protesting at a funeral for a soldier within 300 feet of that funeral. This is a good thing.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am no supporter of the war. But I also feel that a funeral is not the time nor the place to hold a protest. It is inconsiderate of the feelings of that individual's family and friends. There are proper places to speak about these things and a funeral is not one of them. It shows a marked disrespect for other people's feelings and a rampant ego on the part of the protester.

When you honestly believe that you are so right that you cannot entertain another's beliefs, when you are so dead-set on being right that you discount others' feelings, when you are so adamant that you must be heard that you intrude upon one of the most solemn events our society holds, you have reached a point where you can not be allowed to go certain places.

It's like when you throw your spaghetti at your brother and your mom says, "That's why we can't go to nice places." Not that she ever said that to me that one time when I was eight.
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