The Scary Things My Brain Comes Up With...

Oct 22, 2005 18:33

:: The set opens with our young Heroine waking up in a room of white. There's the sensation of being on something soft...but of being unable to move. Cris frowns. ::

Cris: What the hell am I doing here? Where is here, anyway?

:: Cris tries to sit up and investigate her surroundings when a familiar face appears hovering over her. It's Gerard Way, from My Chemical Romance, who--for some odd reason--is dressed like a doctor. Resting a hand on her shoulder he pushes her gently back onto the cushioned examining table she is currently resting on. ::

Gerard: Easy, now. Relax. This will only take a second.
Cris: (Greatly confused.) What? Where am I? Why are you here? Is this some sort of weird dream?

:: Now it's Mikey Way, MCR's bassist, coming up behind Gerard and looking over his shoulder down at Cris. Mikey, too, is dressed in a doctor's coat. ::

Mikey: Patient is awake, I see.
Gerard: (Nods.) She's confused, as we expected.
Mikey: That should wear off soon enough.
Cris: Can someone explain to me what is going on here? (Tries to move and can't.) Or how about starting with why I can't move?

:: The brothers look down at each other, then down at her again, and Cris raises her head enough to see she is strapped down at the torso, wrists and ankles. Beyond her bare toes she can see the other members of My Chemical Romance doing variouos things...and all of them are dressed in doctor's coats. ::

Cris: An explanation would be good right

To Be Continued

daydream, mcr, idea

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