It appears as though I have been tagged...

Dec 21, 2005 22:00

Well, on DeviantART, at least. But what the hell? It kills time. ^_^

10 Things You Like
- My Chemical Romance
- Gackt
- When The Muse is generous with inspiration.
- When a story I'm working on works out like I want it.
- Meeting new people.
- My new glasses! ^____^
- Pocky.
- Chocolate.
- Just hanging out with friends.
- The Nightmare Before Christmas

3 Things That Make You Happy
- Writing something creatively twisted during those periods in life where everything feels like a burden. Beats taking it out on myself or someone else physically, right? Hooray for artistic catharsis!
- Peppermint-flavored Cafe Mochas. Mmmm...
- Doing something for someone I care about, "just because."

10 Things You Hate
- My legs.
- That people spend too much time debating over what "emo" is, rather than enjoying what is possibly good music.
- Math.
- Narrow-minded folks.
- Running out of beef jerky in the dorm.
- Prolonged indecision, even in (and probably especially in) myself.
- My alternating periods of hopeless romanticism and spiteful envy of love and anyone in a strong relationship.
- When the batteries in my MP3 Player & Digital camera die out at the best moment.
- Writer's block.
- Silence.

3 Facts About Your Name
- According to one site, my name's a Spanish variation of "Christina" (which makes sense, given my Puerto Rican-ness), which according to another site is a variation of Christian, which in turn means "anointed one." So...bam.
- Only two people are allowed to call me Crisy and live. (They know who they are.) The rest get set on fire. :P
- There is a famous Spanish-speaking talk show host who shares my name, down to the spelling. (C-r-i-s-t-i-n-a, in case anyone wondered. ^_^")

3 Facts About You
- I was surprised and then secretly happy to find out Ray Toro (one of MCR's guitarists) was of Puerto Rican descent. Finally! Someone in rock for my people to look towards! :P
- I have three major fears: I fear abandonment, I fear truly going insane, and I fear the dark. (Yes, at 18, I still fear the dark. Usually just when it's super-quiet in the house. I don't need a loud noise; just the low hum of something, like the vent in my dorm room.)
- I have dreamed of being on Inside the Actors Studio With James Lipton.

4 Random Thoughts
- Coheed & Cambria rock!
- Hmm... Teh Notebook or my secret photo plans..?
- "I'd like to be the owner of the zipper on your jeans..." (It's from "Hey You," by Shakira)
- MCR = The Perfect Cure to a Bad Vacation! (Yes, I'm still thinking of that... It amuses me. ^_^")

Hm. Who to tag now?

::looks around::

remmieremrem, fluteplayette, markos, dragoonmac, when you get a moment of boredom here's something to do. ^_~


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