I am sick and one of the symptoms is turning into a whiny bitch about being sick. Ugh.

Mar 11, 2013 23:15

This whole cold just kind of struck me out of nowhere, and struck me hard. And naturally, because my body is all kinds of subtly fucked, it's going to take me forever and a day to recover. I just really want to be out of the "coughing at the slightest provocation" phase already and be done with it. It's so fucking irritating and I have no idea how I've managed to get ANY sleep at all these last couple of days. It's to the point where I'm barely even coughing up phlegm anymore. It's just coughing for the sake of coughing. :| :| :| And earlier it was so bad I actually literally pissed myself and had to change my underwear. Whoo, fun.

At least this is happening now, during Spring Break. Hopefully by next week, I'll be completely out of the woods and only dealing with trying to get my voice back. I can dream, anyway. At least, I can try to dream, seeing as I've gotten very little sleep lately. D: What happened to Spring Break being all about sleeping in until the late hours of the day? Fucking harrumph, I say.

On the upside? I collected on Avon payments from my neighbors! I feel as if I've accomplished something. I'll deposit them tomorrow, provided I can get up early enough to head out with my mom when she takes my brother to get his eyes checked.

my family, medical things, my body

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