"And now I know how Joan of Arc felt..."

Jun 12, 2011 23:25

I think everything I've been feeling over the last week or so can be summed up in a single phrase: I'm tired of feeling like I'm destined to end up alone without having accomplished anything on a grand scale.

Also? I'm really tired of hating on other people for having what I don't, of getting wound up and upset over stupid shit, and of then feeling foolish for getting wound up and upset.

But that's not what I wanted to blog about originally! Can we just talk about how yesterday was, in a phrase, fucking awesome? Because it was. Yesterday was fucking awesome. I finally got to visit Morgan's Wonderland and it was pretty much everything I expected it to be. For those not living in San Antonio, Morgan's Wonderland is the first park in the world designed with people with disabilities in mind. It features things like wheelchair-friendly swings (which was really cool), and a wheelchair-accessible carousel.

The carousel was basically the whole reason I wanted to visit the park in the first place. I...really love carousels. Next to Ferris wheels, they are my favorite ride when it comes to amusement parks and fairs. One of the highlights of my childhood trips to Puerto Rico was being able to ride the carousel that used to be located at a mall in the city of Ponce, which I believe has since been moved or dismantled. Sadly, that was back in the days when I was light enough to be carried with no problem. Nowadays I'm kind of heavy to lift and my parents' backs ain't what they used to be, so I haven't been on a carousel in at least a decade. Maybe slightly more. The minute we got Morgan's Wonderland, I pretty much ran for the thing. XD And rode it twice. *____* My mom hasn't put up the pictures yet, but the wheelchair accessible portion of the carousel is fashioned to look like you're riding a sea monster. Not only that; it goes up and down like the other mounts. I was so ridiculously giddy. I could've ridden just that and gone home happy.

Um. There were other things to experience, though. The swings were my other favorite thing of the park. My Dangerchair is a heavy thing. It hasn't yet, but I'm pretty sure it can crush a bare toe (especially since I know it's painful enough getting run over with shoes on, if others' reactions are any indication). But the whole thing is designed to hold both me and the chair, and it acts just like a regular swing--albeit one that has to be accompanied by two volunteers to actually move it back and forth. But still! It was kind of surreal.

Pictures I have saved on my phone:

And then we went to a flea market that was kind of... It was near to closing because we went later in the day, but it had a very creepy vibe to it. Not a place I'd want to be after hours. There was a crane game machine in one of the little passageways that was playing this super-cheery (and thus extra creepy) music--but it had nothing inside. (So of course, I wound up imagining it at night, possibly with a severed head inside.) And then in one of the stalls selling swords and knives, I found a Nazi dagger. If I hadn't been worried about getting yelled at by the vendor, I would've taken a picture, but I shit you not that it was a legit Nazi dagger! It had the eagle and the swastika. It was ten bucks.

I contemplated purchasing it, but I probably would've died of irony poisoning from being a Puerto Rican girl in a wheelchair owning a Nazi dagger.

In other news? I've been reviving all my old shirts into more wearable pieces. But I'll have a better blog post on that later.

rocket powered wheelchair!, that awkward moment when, morgan's wonderland, pictures, wtf

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