(no subject)

Apr 20, 2011 18:34

Parents are watching Hoarding: Buried Alive and I just finished listening to them talk about white people and aging--not in any racisty way, but it was just one of those moments where my Puerto Rican-ness feels a bit more prominent than usual. It's a bit odd is all.

Another -ness that have been feeling more pronounced lately? My wheelchair-ness. I don't think I'm having an identity crisis or anything; quite the opposite, really. I think the introspection and embracing I started doing over the last year or so is starting to kick into gear again. I dunno. I wrote a whole blog post about it on Tumblr last night that I'll ETA in under a cut (since I'm on mobile) you can read here: http://crisontumblr.tumblr.com/post/4770404288/i-should-be-sleeping

Speaking of wheelchairs: Either my charger or my battery is being wonky. :\ I've an appointment at the shop tomorrow afternoon to get it looked at (and hopefully get my small back wheels replaced), and I'm hoping that a)it's the charger and b)not as expensive as a new battery would be. It's only been two years since I replaced it and my battery before that lasted me a lot longer than that. And since Rudy (the mechanic) thinks my current insurance might not pick up the tab because they didn't buy me the chair...

He also suggested that maybe Medicare might just buy me a new one (especially since my chair is five years old), and in my head I was just like, "Noooo. No. Not now, thanks." I'm not agreeing to a new chair unless it's just an upgrade on my current model for obvious reasons. >.>

It makes me feel cool by proxy to know we have the same chairs, okay? /o\

In other wonky tech news, I successfully replaced my Zune's hard drive and now my computer doesn't recognize it. I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it, but I'm not too worried because my BlackBerry can double as an MP3 player. God machine? Fuck yes, it is.

Some other minor things:

- Still no word from SVA or Pratt yet. I'm a little concerned but I am also clinging to optimism and the assurance from Patricia that sometimes it takes up to a month to hear back.

- I finally saw Sucker Punch yesterday and was quite satisfied with it. It isn't a movie for everyone and it has its flaws, but it was better than I expected based on all the reviews I'd seen.

- Also? My birthday is two weeks from tomorrow. I've already heard the first commercial on a local Spanish radio about buying stuff (I can't recall what it was) to celebrate Cinco De Mayo. The irony of being a Puerto Rican living in Texas with a birthday that is a Mexican holiday... >.> I'm actually not sure how to spend my birthday/that weekend. Most of the people I'd want to spend it with might be too busy or they live too far to make a surprise visit, and I just kind of feel weird in general about turning twenty-four. I definitely want cake, though. A mint-chocolate ice cream cake, maybe.

- Today marks exactly one month until MCR in Houston. I'm hoping for Tour Reporter, but I'm just super excited for the trip in general. It'll be like a small vacation! On my own! With my own friends! I feel so grown up.

wheelchair stuff, birthday, mcr, my chemical romance, tech fail, tech angst, . . .

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