Adventures in Cosplaying

Mar 30, 2011 00:57

It occurs to me that I haven't blogged about Mizuumi Con yet. For some reason, with major events like that, it either takes me forever to blog about it or I never get around to divulging any details at all. And now that I'm sitting here realizing that I have yet to blog about Mizuumi, all I can muster is an, "It was really fun."

And it was. It was lots of fun. Dressing up as Girl Automatic for the first time was really lots of fun, even though people thought I was doing a Miku Hatsune cosplay. XD I'm still going through all the pictures, but this picture of myself and the Tenth Doctor (the very same one I'd first seen at San Japan) currently is and might remain my favorite of the bunch.

I also got to see some other friends I'd made in the two previous cons, including Allison and Jennifer (from whom I bought an assortment of buttons because her art is fantastic and I can never not walk away without buying something). I also got to see Patricia, which made me really happy (even though Nancy was with her, but I pretty much just pretended she wasn't there and she did the same with me).

I didn't stick around Patricia's table as much because I didn't want to be around Nancy, which sucks, because I feel like I haven't seen her in ages and honestly, I don't seem to see or hang out with her her as much because she's really busy working with the research class and with Nancy on their Disney internship thing. And I understand all that shit, y'know? I do. I understand that when things are less busy we'll have time to hang out. But now and then I have occasional bouts of paranoia and a little bit of anger over things that I know are unfounded and it makes me feel guilty or like I'm being stupid. And it's mostly because she's still friends/regularly hangs with people I've more or less distanced myself from because they're friends with someone who wants nothing to do with me (nor I with them).

I hate having relationship and abandonment issues.

Um. But! Getting back to happier topics. I saw a number of TF2 cosplayers--including a Spy!

(Oh, look. Two birds with one stone; a picture of the Spy and me in my Killjoys outfit!)

There was also a BLU Engie and a RED Scout, but the Engie had no wrench! D: (So I couldn't get a picture of him upgrading my chair.) If I ever cosplay Engie, I'm going to be a RED one and I will probably try to mount a NERF chain gun where the headrest is in an attempt to make it appear as though I'm riding in some sort of Sentry mech creature. And I will have a wrench.

Also? On the subject of cosplaying, there was once again a brief discussion on Tumblr (after Sally put up a picture of herself as Fun Ghoul*) of how I am the only one who can cosplay Dr. Death Defying. This is nothing new. Ever since I've been keeping track of the shenanigans, I've heard the Dr. D comparison a lot. In fact, as recently as...the day before yesterday(?), after explaining my condition to someone, I was told, "You could be like Dr. D's daughter."

(*Side-note: She makes a very good Fun Ghoul so far, and once she has all the gear she will make an impeccable Fun Ghoul, and I am not just saying that because she's my cute wife. Other people agree! And one of them suggested I then dress as Party Poison, which amuses me forever. Said suggester is a good kid. She also reads UtVG, so I am amused at the possibility that she might accidentally read too much into Present's physical description.)

When you hear that kind of thing often enough, you really start to wonder about it. And I love Dr. Death Defying to pieces; I'm so, so, so glad he's a character and that he's as badass as he is, because he makes me feel a little bit cooler. So first, I did a breakdown of his clothes...and then I just said "fuck it" and took some pictures with what I had on hand, which included a Trash & Vaudeville shirt to serve as the splash of pink that is normally taken up by his blaster. (And come on; he'd totally have a T&V shirt lying around. Maybe it's Pony's, maybe Party Poison gave it to him, but he totally owns one.)

I have to admit, I'm starting to think everybody might've been on to something...

mizuumi con, cosplay, *sigh*, killjoys, ugh people, . . ., fangirl moment, friends, miss defying, dr. death defying, adventures in cosplaying, why yes i am a nerd

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