Dream Dictionary Time!

Feb 28, 2011 23:24

Had a dream last night that I was at a carnival with Sally, but it was our Killjoys selves? So...really, it was a dream about Girl Automatic and Girl Apocalypse at a carnival during the day in 2019 or 2020--in the Dangerverse, basically. We were looking for a guy who was missing (or maybe I was looking and she was helping), someone named Jack or John, and I ended up meeting a punk rock dude with a mowhawk that I remembered from some kind of schooling. (Apparently Girl Automatic actually went to school? Then again, she does claim not to remember a lot of stuff, so...)

To dream that you are at the carnival, represents falsehoods and deception. If you observe freakish sights, then it denotes a lack of harmony in your domestic life. Much sorrow will arise in what were thought to be pleasant times.

To dream that you are on a carnival ride, suggests that you are going in circles. It may also symbolize cheap thrills.

To dream that you run away with the carnival, denotes that you will be involved in or closely connected to the entertainment field.

To dream that you are missing something, denotes a sense of being out of control and being disorganized.

To dream that you are searching for something, signifies the need to find something that is missing or needed in your life. The dream may be analogous to your search for love, spiritual enlightenment, peace or even a solution to a problem.

Punk (Kind of amazed Dream Moods had this entry.)
To see or dream that you are a punk, indicates rebellion. You are going against the norm and are expressing your own personal choice and freedom.

To dream that you are walking through a desert, signifies loss and misfortune. You may be suffering from an attack on your reputation. Deserts are also symbolic of barrenness, loneliness and feelings of isolation and hopelessness. The desert landscape may also be a metaphor for feeling deserted and left behind.

To feel heat in your dream, indicates a feeling of shame or embarrassment. Alternatively, it represents purity and creative energy.

To dream that you are hot, signifies passion and heated emotions. It may reflect a situation that is potentially dangerous or a relationship where you are getting burned. Alternatively, the dream may represent a person who is great looking or perhaps you are lusting after someone. (Um, what? O.o) On the other hand, you may be feeling beautiful.

Teal (Another entry I'm surprised to see.)
The color teal signifies trustworthiness, devotion and healing. It is also indicative of spiritual guidance and teacher.

Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and passion.The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger. Alternatively, the color red in your dream indicates a lack of energy. You are feeling tired or lethargic.

Red is also the color of danger, violence, blood, shame, rejection, sexual impulses and urges.Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.

To see or wear leather in your dream, represents toughness and ruggedness. It may imply your thick-skinned nature. Or perhaps you are seeking protection from the elements. Alternatively, the dream refers to your instinctual and animalistic nature. It may also have sexual connotations. (Again, what? O.o Okay, I can kind of understand this one...)

Stripes (Like the stripes on a carnival tent...)
To see stripes in your dream, suggest that you are making a bold and daring statement. Horizontal stripes represent your directness and straightforwardness, while vertical stripes indicate that you are a non-conformist. In particular, black and white vertical stripes signify your close-mindedness and limited way of thinking.

Uh. So. Yeah. That's that. Not much else has gone on. I mean, stuff has, but I'm just not in a major mood to write it all down. However? I think I may have found my favorite TF2 server ever. (And I definitely need to get a couple TF2-themed icons for LJ.) Also? I've figured out a pattern for beading rings that works with the 0.45 gauge wire I own (even though Mom said she'd be willing to buy me some wire in the range of what the beading book she checked out for me from the library recommends), so I'll probably have a WCFT post on those soon--as well as new pieces to post on Etsy. Which is great, because I totally need new things to sell there.

I'm thinking I might actually pack up the computer tomorrow and work on my desk in my room. Just meditate and zone out, see if I can recharge my creativity that way. Haven't really been in a huge mood to write lately, even though I've heard ideas whispering in my head a lot. Kind of a troubling sign, even though I feel...actually, really pretty good emotionally. :3 I feel cute most days, to boot! ^^; And I'm getting along well with people in school. (The guy who looks like Ricky Rebel, Ryan, even pretty much said I was like his best/only friend on campus today because a lot of other people he's met tend to act kind of douchey and don't smile, whereas I don't act douchey and am rather friendly.) I just wish I could stop feeling like I need a personal bubble whenever my brother's girlfriend comes around. Last night it was like ten minutes of awkward--compounded because I wasn't wearing pants and she knew I wasn't wearing pants because I warned her, even though we were sitting on opposite sides of the table and you couldn't really tell. I dunno. She asked me a lot of questions and was touching all my stuff... It was just awkward. :| Mom thinks part of it's due to not having grown up with sisters. Maybe she's got a point, especially since even though my friends are mostly girls now and even though we flail over makeup and cute clothes, we're not exactly...y'know. Princesses.

Well...maybe we are princesses, but we're more like warrior princesses. Rock show-attending, ass-kicking, nerdy princesses. Something like that.

dreams, school, friends, dream, dream meaning, crafting, dream symbols, beading

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