Reminders from College that I Haven't Quite Escaped Yet.

Apr 21, 2010 23:33

- Waiting for the EnD's coffeepot to finish brewing, even though it's slow and I have money on my meal card, because it's closer than going all the way to Java City. >.> This was after I drank my bottle of Starbucks (while talking to Sally on Skype, who had a Coke Zero; synchronized caffeine jolt FTW!) and after my hyper-awesome meeting with Dumitru (where all the caffeine and sugar from the first coffee went; think Topher on a Gerard idea bender). There was hardly any Coffee Mate left, though, and I'd forgotten my can of evaporated milk again. D: I had to make do with the remaining Coffee Mate and...non-dairy creamer. T_T

- Kappa Chi Delta newbies pounding on the doors of AF building (including mine) earlier this evening. Indulging in curiosity resulted in watching said newbies, dressed ridiculously in decorated shirts and accessories (one even had fairy wings; the line for jokes starts here) serenading the tenants. Badly. Their chosen song? "I'll Never Break Your Heart". What made it scarier is that they started by the center tree in the AF courtyard several feet away and moved progressively closer. It was like a bad zombie musical.

- Survival. A lack of toilet paper and time led us to the time-honored backup of paper towels. (Don't knock it. If you've lived on a college campus, you know what I mean.) Now the paper towels have run out. Our backup for the backup? Tissues. I'm buying a back of TP tomorrow, stat.

survival, coffee, wtf?!, college

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