(no subject)

Feb 11, 2010 21:38

Today has been very bizarre.

Woke up stiff and not wanting to go anywhere. Showered. Panicked because I couldn't find my wolf tote (the one Sally designed and sent me in a care package) until I realized it was hanging on the front of my chair. Because of the showering and bag search, I was late to and ended up not going to drawing class. Instead I got breakfast.

I basically spent the majority of research class zoned out on coffee and chocolate, attempting to both write and brainstorm with Sally via e-mail. Even though I forgot we had to follow the questions formula thing from the Craft of Research and hand her a hard copy, I somehow managed to explain my topic well enough that she didn't try to keep me after class.

Then color theory was pretty okay. Joffe must be able to sense I was a bit off (or just knows I'm a good student) because he was just like, "Don't worry about measuring squares for your next study; paint on the paper and you can cut out your favorite parts later." Which resulted in the following:

Um. What else...? Oh! One club meeting was cancelled; the other was optional.

And then...like...a few minutes ago, I had a knock on my door. With a bit of a grumble, I pulled on some pants and went to the door. A pretty Asian girl was standing there with somebody else I didn't see. Probably another girl.

Her: "Hi, are you Cristina?"
Me: "Uh, yeah."

Her: *holds out bag*

"You got a candygram!"
Me: . . .thanks? O.o

People, let's get something clear: I never get candygrams. I don't recall ever getting one in middle school, or high school, and this is the first time in college that I've gotten one. So...um...yeah. It's very bizarre.

There's no name on the "From" line. I have two suspects. Both of them males who know where I live on campus. >.> WTF, indeed.

ETA: This is what was in the bag:
- Four boxes of Nerds
- Three mini Laffy Taffy candies
- Two Airheads
- Two Blow-Pops
- A Jolly Rancher lollipop
- Four Smarties "Love Hearts"
- A box of Sweethearts

As Sally put it, "Not a bad haul." So thank you, mysterious sender person! ♥

valentine's day, wtf?! (in a good way), packages, mysterious packages!

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