Season Finale of Dollhouse

May 09, 2009 01:15

No quotes this week, and I still haven't been able to sit down and again watch last week's episode (but I might after some sleep), but I do have a semi-review. Really, it's just the comment I left over on the Dollverse blog, but it works well enough as a review in place of writing something completely new.

Okay. First of all, I'm actually NOT surprised that Paul went instead for November rather than Echo/Caroline. Paul had genuine feelings for her, regardless of whether or not she was a Doll, whereas Caroline was more like...a goal he felt he needed to attain. He needed to "save the girl" and technically he did in this episode--twice over.

Ahem. Now. Epic long comment post ahead. Skip to the bottom for the TL;DR.

People following my tweets will know that I agree that the episode was sorely lacking in the amount of Sierra, November and Victor. However! What we DID get of them, along with the stuff we found out about Dr. Saunders, was great. Loved the "molesting the furniture" quote. I'm not sure how I feel about Boyd and Paul suddenly teaming up after their epic fight scene in "Briar Rose", but I do have to admit that they make as good a team as they do enemies.

And I will admit, Paul finally became less irritating. I know that's going to make people go, "WTF? Irritating? What is Cris on?!" But he was. He was beginning to get on my nerves, but the last two episodes have begun to change that view.

Who else wanted to hug Victor after Dr. Saunders gave him that little speech? Actually...who wanted to just hug him, period? *raises hand* Enver is such a good actor... Has anyone seen him in anything else they might recommend?

But circling back to what we've learned: Dr. Saunders! Holy crap! I'd begun to suspect her status as a Doll after doing some thinking on "Briar Rose" (see also: this post) but I was still surprised when this was actually revealed. The information that we're given about her is intriguing and raises a lot of questions that REQUIRE a second season to explore and answer--or, if need be, for us to pitch in a lot of money so Joss can keep his fancy awesome set and film a bunch of webisodes.

My biggest question on the whole situation with Topher. Why WAS it so important that she "hate" him, as Dr. Saunders/Whiskey put it? My current theory: Her real self is either his sister or his girlfriend. Either way, he looked so terribly sad... It was like that scene in "Haunted" which basically reveals that the "benchmark" imprint he does every year is essentially a means for him to have someone to celebrate his birthday with--and honestly, I'm not sure which one made me feel more for him.

The scenes with Alpha, Echo and Caroline: Epic, basically. The banter that went on during those scenes was amusing and the fighting between Alpha and Echo was fantastic, though I wish there had been more between them. I'll admit, I'm glad Alpha got away! XD Alan Tudyk is just enjoyable to watch on screen. ^^;

1. Needed MOAR Sierra, November.
2. Awww, Victor!
3. Dr. Saunders = Whiskey 1.1 = Holy crap!
---> 3a. Who is her real identity?
---> 3b. Why does it make Topher so sad?
---> 3c. Theory: Topher's sister or girlfriend.
4. Alpha + Echo + Caroline = Epic banter. Fight scene could've been longer, but was still epic.
---> 4a. Alan Tudyk = Fun to watch!
5. Boyd + Paul = Epic Duo? Possibly.
6. A beautiful, bittersweet end to a great season.

Long story short: THERE MUST BE A SEASON TWO. ♥ I can't wait for the DVD box set to come out. I really can't.

Also? I'M FREE! FREE AT LAST! (Even though I still have two essays to finish for the classes giving me incompletes so I can get the work in!) Packing was insane and stressful, but nobody died. I consider that a success, even though it seems like fate enjoys watching me and my father butt heads and be irritable towards each other.

chem_romantic made it safely to Canada. Yay! ^_^ Her phone doesn't work up there, though, so I will refrain from texting her so that her phone doesn't blow up upon reentry into the States. Our thumbs will get a considerable break. XD However! You should totally check out the comic she'll be handing out while she's up there:

I promise you, it's super adorable. And I'll be adding a few stories soon, too! ^_^ The main goal of the summer, of course, is to finish a draft of The Drifters before August. We'll see how it goes.

the drifters, dollhouse, final exams, writing, fangirl moment

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