I did this ages ago, but I felt the sudden urge to procrastinate and do it again :D!
Sometimes it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fics favorite you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
Distance {Ohno/Nino} - This is the only thing I've written where it didn't at any point manage to feel like a bit of a chore, or I didn't have to force myself to just sit down and write. I honestly enjoyed writing it so much that even when it was finished, I want to keep writing, which I think is a pretty damn good reason to make it a favourite.
Beginnings {Ohno/Nino} - I wasn't even going to write this at first, but the idea for it just wouldn't leave me alone, so I gave in. In the end I think I liked the way it turned out, even though I honestly wasn't sure about it whilst I was writing it. It was certainly out of my comfort zone, but that was kind of the point o:!
On The Road {Jun} - This still remains as one of my favourites, and I'm not sure why. It's probably because I don't write Jun nearly enough, despite enjoying writing him, and because I liked the way it turned out, I suppose :)
Unbalance {Ohno/Nino} - This is the longest thing I've written to date, and I'm still not done with it yet. I don't think I ever expected myself to be able to plot something like this and then actually finish it (and then go on to write a prequel and start on a sequel).
Rain {Sho/Aiba} - I didn't really know what to choose for the fifth favourite, so I figured I would put in my favourite Sho/Aiba fic so far, since this has been pretty much dominated by Ohno/Nino (as is usual, I suppose). This was short and sweet and easy to write. It might not be one of the best things I've written, but I like it, and it's pretty inoffensive XD;