DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:High
Bipolar Disorder:Very High
Cyclothymia:Extremely High
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Extremely High
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test You Scored Highly For at Least One Form of Depression
Click on the disorder names in your results box to get more information on each one. On those pages you will find explanations and symptoms, as well as links to books and depression online resources so that you can gain a better understanding of these disorders. Keep in mind that depression is the most common mental health disorder, and if you do have depression you are certainly not alone.
Do Not Suffer In Silence
Depression often responds well to treatment. Yet the sad truth is that most depression sufferers go for years before getting diagnosed. If you notice that depressive symptoms are interfering with your life and pursuit of happiness, please know that help does exist and you do not have to continue to live this way. Talk to your doctor about depression. The sooner you do, the sooner you will get on with the business of living your life!
You Are Ruby Red
You are warm and inviting - yet a little wild and outrageous.
Well aware that you have a dual personality, you work it as much as you can!
You like for people to be comfortable around you, but not at the expense of you stealing the limelight.
Popular and well known, you make friends easily. You have your big personality to thank for that.
What Color Red Are You? ~Ja ne!