another saga begins...

May 29, 2007 15:12

POTC: Worlds End was super! I liked it lots and lots. I want to go see it again if anyone is up for the challenge!!!

Starting to get better more and more... I'm out of antibiotics-- the non-killing kind ;)... I'm still having lapses of sinus crap and coughing, but for the most part, everything seems to be clearing up. YAY!!!

Sadly, I was sick for 3/4 of the break before summer school... but I guess I made up for it on the 3 or 4 days that I wasn't dying... :)

I hit baseballs at the batting cages with Jody the other day and now I'm ultra sore.... bleh.... feels good :)

I'm going to probably go into work early today since I didn't go in this morning when I was supposed to.... didn't know it started today and really didn't want to run to work at 7:30am after going to bed at 4:30am. I had my final night of freedom and it was good... Kevin, Jody and I hung out at Bashes all evening/night... fun times

Yesterday I was hyper and people at Academy thought I was on crack... I think it was from the caffine I had at DQ when I had a diet Dr. Pepper.... hmmmm....

Kris :)
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