Apr 18, 2004 17:13
I've been sick for the last few days. No big deal, just a bit of a cold, but that doesn't keep it from being a pain in the ass. On Thursday night/Friday morning at about 4 am, after not being able to just get to sleep, I walked to the gas station across campus to snag some Nyquil. Oh sweet sweet Nyquil. As I stood outside, loading up the little measure cup thingy with my dose of wonderful sleep inducing elixer, a homeless fellow approached me and asked for a little Nyquil. I gave him some and we chatted for a little while. His name is Gregory and he's working on getting a book published. He said its tough to make contacts in California. We talked for about 5 minutes about nothing in particular, then went our separate ways, two guys on their way through the quiet streets of Berkeley in the morning. It was the best 5 minutes I've had in a long time up here. That should give you all a pretty good idea of how much I'm looking forward to coming home. 31 days left, then I'll be back. I think I just might collapse into a teary eyed mess, so, don't point and laugh at me. Until then, I have 50 pages worth of essays to write. By Wednesday, I'll have 16 of those pages finished, so that'll be a good chunk...Christ, I'm gonna die.