spam in a can and my thoughts on "ha-va-e " hawaii

Jan 05, 2006 15:35

Hawaii loves spam, there are mad coupons for it in every advertisement, its like 3 dollars a can , dang I bought it for 99 cents in California and a dollar store.Mcdonalds serves it with rice and eggs in this neat little breakfast platter.I used to eat it with breakfast, only sometimes cause I like the salt. Remeber that movie 50 FIRST DATES. I thought they were kidding but now I see why they made such a comedic moment about it , lol, its insane , the reeses thing they took to far.Thats not bad.

The coffee here is so yummy, "sorry for those who dont like coffee ;) " anyways and tons of those chocolates and macadamias . Wyland art is like 2000 dollars for a freaking coffee cup with a dolphin on it, but it is crediably beautiful and if I was rich, yeah id buy that 2000 dollar coffee cup for my expensive coffee habit! Literally,, I crack myself up, anyway I got geckos "not geico" running around my house getting in my shoes and taking showers with me, lol sorry im being silly again, really not that many geckos but they do make their presence known. the palm trees are real and they even got real coconuts, not like the stupid ones in california.Nobody cuts their grass around here, in some places they dont have grass, makes me feel safe about not cutting mine, its all cement.

Some streets I dont have room to drive , and all the exits look like your gonna crash into everybody. Every one is always going to the same exact place at 5 oclock so, no matter what, roll your window down and wave at the same guy you been driving next to for the past hour. Put your car in park and share some sandwhiches with the guy, hell your gonna be driving next to him again tommorow, at least youll have a driving friend. When the traffic starts up again, be sure that you are in the right lane to make that 2 hour destination that only takes you five minutes at 3 in the morning. Who goes anywhere at 3 in the morning? Well I do , thats when I go to the grocery store, park and wait for it to open so I get there safely and I dont waste gas. I wouldnt trade it for anything, I love it here, besides you can catch lots of people doing gross things in their cars. They pick their noses, dance around like idots or flick me off for laughing at them and pointing cause they just plain look funny. I mean think about it, its hilarious, I know Im being to critical, but its so damn funny. ... I have yet to see those brown skinned men dressed in scant leafy atire running around at 630 pm, lighting torches and stuff. Maybe they are to dark to see at night? Maybe they run to fast? Or maybe I cant make it through traffic to get there in time !!! By the time I hit Wakiki the torches are all lit. Fast buggers, man I tell ya.

There are so many tourists, every stop sign you come to... wait at least ten minutes for every one to cross, even at 3 in the morning anywhere on the island. Shit even at kmart- the tourists are at kmart! How did they get there? Aint like they never seen one before! I honk my horn and tell them to get outta the way, waving my hands in the air at them and stuff. They look at me and point, "look every one shes doing the volcano dance in her car" " wow (they gather around my car, whisper about me ) " I dont know, is that what the locals here do? No way , thats to stupid , locals here are awesome, tourists are dumb. So I just yell at them to get the heck outta my way so's I can park and go buy some diapers for my kid! lol- I wonder how they get so far away from the cruise liners that line our beaches.

Everyone here can surf, what can I do? Im tweedling my thumbs, lightbulb clicks, hey ive got it ! I cartwheels! Im scared of the ocean, every time I go near the water , I get my back thrown out by waves, drown, carried out to sea, get bitten by something unidentifiable, and Im not kidding about that, Im serious! The ocean scares me, but thanks to those surfers , my life is saved over and over again. So yeah, Im gonna get a surfboard and mount it on my wall as a monument. But ill never surf. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, comedy hour is over enjoy your cocktails and dinner. This is saturdaybliss signing out!
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