Jul 15, 2001 22:21
well I'm really missing my discman now.. forgot how it would keep me company when I was bored.. didn;t want to watch tv or computer and just generally wanted to make a music video of my daily life.. you know the cranking the tunes and waking around with it... making life into a music video.. anyway I used to like that.. I guess I'll have to replace it soon.. I was thinking stone might be able to get me a good deal out there in electronic land.. that and one that can recieve email, do my taxes and give me a back massage.. and is smaller than the CD I put in it. hehe.. yeah that would be cool.. but I'll prolly just crack and buy another after my first pay-scheck comes..
so yeah I'm looking for a place of my own.. maybe like a bachelar apt. like mike used to have.. not downtown though.. anyway I don;t much want to spend over $600 so that sorta limits me... I should look a little first though.. I've only scoured a few newspapers.. without much jumping out
and yeah I have a computer and a desk at work.. and a phone, with an extension.. ewh ahh.. imagine.. its actually pretty cool.. .. well I'm still waiting on most of that to get hooked up.. but the desk is there.. with all my shit.. its nicer that in Office Space .. but much the same.. the lab area where we run tests is like a indoor warehouse type thing and my office is in the middle up a staircase on the third floor.. so we sorta have a satellite/treefort thing looking down over the shop floor... kinda cool.. but I'm not near a window.. so.. we run our tests.. then play with the data on our computers and generate reports and stuff.. I'm still new.. so.. I just read and study and ask questions..
yeah I was spending about $3.50 canadian in mexico a half hour for the internet.. so I know thats a pisser.. still its quality time for the boys back in Can. Can.
AJacks went to Spain on thursday.. I was a little shocked too.. but I think he might have mentioned it earlier and I forgot.. just for a week then a week in england.. rich bitch.. steve is working in the bush in Seashelt .. guessin same sorta job as in terrace or whatever.. living with his folks.. on the sunshine coast there.. he's seeing Gagan now.. or has been for a while.. I dunno.. that was a shock for me too.. but then again steve rarely shocks me.. I'm not sure haw serious they are.. just brain lovers I think right now.. no ZZZZZ yet..
anyway I think I might go grab a sun and check the classifieds for apartments..