
Jul 07, 2010 04:04

Другие записи: mLIGE #3 | Mmm..probably... | Pall Mall и немного статистики | Empty

Have decided to remember all the crazes I've ever been trough (out of order):

1) FOREX trader
    2) buisiness-man (trading card games, collectible card games, boardgames, magazine, newspaper, restaurant, news agency, ads agency)
    3) computer games developer
    4) millionaire
    5) novels and poetry (becoming an illustrious author included)
    6) fashion modeling
    7) bodybuilding
    8) some psychological stuff
     9) leadership courses (for loosers, indeed)
    10) journalist
    11) croupier
    12) the chosen one
    13) musician
    14) great moviemaker
    15) designer
    16) paid blogger
    17) lazybones
    18) spiritism
    19) monster (used to think of myself)
    20+n) ETC.

Here it comes the time to make a conclusion: I have never finished up well. That's all because of my lazyness, perhaps, or just because in thruth I was always deceiving myself. And now I'm sitting here, in front of this fucking monitor, with nothing worthy in the past and nothing well-defined in the future. And the only question I wanna ask my myself is: "So now what...?" All my "genious" activites haven't ever brought anything good, except lots of wasted time. Spent on "useless" stuff as my parents usually say. But still...All the same I realize that there's a thing that was rather worth all that Time - the Experience. Thanks....Destiny
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