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Балин, ну что за фигня? (Обидно, аж кушать не могу) :) |
День 2010.10.01, Точное время 07:34:00 Yeah, it's been a while since I updated this thing. TO be honest, for a while there I even deleted my LJ - but I missed it too much... and now I'm back again
Yeah, I think I'm going to start using this journal much more often now. Or, at least, that is the hope anyway! I've been rather busy since June. I've since then turned 25... a quarter of a century old!
It's really hard to think of myself at that age - especially when I feel so much younger than that! So, I've decided not to give a damn about age and all that crap - as it really is just a measly little number. So, I'm gonna keep going the way that I am... I really haven't had any complaints so far
I've been keeping really busy with work too. In fact, I hardly have any time to myself these days. All work and no play, I just got paid on Friday too. Which was... well, pathetic. Especially since the cost of living has raised by 6% and we only get a 4% pay increase. Doesn't really make any sense does it? As for my degree - it's still going strong. I've recently just completed my exam, and I'm not eagerly awaiting for my results. I've already signed up for the second part for this, which starts in November
Other than that, there's nothing else that's going on in my life right now. But, I'm definitely looking forward to Christmas though! I really hope that we get snow this year.