Maple Story is a Disappointment~~~

Jan 28, 2007 23:23

I played Maple Story today. I have finally leveled up to 21. I was so excited to join a party quest ( its a team which you work together to fight the monsters). I was invited to a team... My first team.... But it was a failure because my character died in the middle. T_T But my leader was not angry.. But I was confused that time and didn't know what to do. So, I left the team. *sobs* But I tried another time... And again I was invited by another person. I got very excited again. The leader, at first, was very kind.. He helped me all the way to get the coupons (it is for the quest which the team has to accomplish to get to the next stage). But when it came to the next level, his true colour is revealed. He was very crude. He kept using vulgar language whenever I made mistakes. He didn't even care to teach me. I was actually a newbie and I didn't know what to do. But he just kept scolding and scolding. Then, when the stages are completed, I just left the team. The next thing was, my brother taught me how to play. And I started to get the hang of the game. Another team for the day was quite good to me too which is the team leader. She is really kind to me expecially the newbies. So, I was glad. At first, there was a character which I wanted to add him as my buddy, but he said something really bad to me, though I didn't know the meaning of the word till my friend told me. T_T This is really my first time being so sad after playing a game. The feeling of sadness is filled with only disappointment. But later in the night, I decided to play for the last time before I quit mapling. I met a guy who is really kind to me. I am really happy. Actually there are 2 of them. They are the players who actually encouraged me to continue playing the game. But before I left the game, I met another rude players again. I won't go into detail about the players. But I can't stand the attitudes anymore. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! But i still in the end thanked them for helping me to level up though they are ill-mannered. ^-^ So, that is all I would like to say about the game.

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