Do you think Police Officers make mistakes?

Mar 10, 2004 09:44

Picking a jury was interesting.....the whole court process is actually quite interesting. Here are 14 people you have never met before let alone never seen before and you have to try to figure out which 6, plus an alternate, will believe your story. You ask them a variety of questions and let them respond, some tell quite a tale, some give the standard no & yes without any expansion on their thoughts. I feel pretty secure with the ones we chose. We did not choose, however, a muslim (they do not drink and it is against their religion), a woman who had to be in Texas Saturday for a wedding (altough I would have liked to have chose her due to the fact she has a grudge against the Vol. Co. Sherriffs Dept.)and a woman whose friend had been drinking and killed someone ( I think she would have thought me guilty at the start)
To say that I am not nervous would be a lie. Thankfully my work life is pretty busy right now so it gives me less time to dwell on my fears.
To all.........yes I was a bit tipsy, was I too drunk to drive? No....I was driving perfectly, except for the tiny fact that yes I was speeding, which by the way I always do. The problem? I was speeding on New Years Eve. I had just been in my first fight in my life and I was freaking out. I always maintain enough sensability when I am drinking to drive myself home. Now it is up to 6 people to decide my fate. How random is that???
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