Apr 17, 2007 15:03
Dear Unsigned Reviewer of CBBW:
Thank you for pointing out the fact my spelling does indeed suck, I know this and have since found the wonderful people who known as betas. I have a few things to say to you: I am not five if I was I wouldn't be on fanfiction.net, you use the word 'damn' to many times and the shift key to little to be taken seriously. Please if you ever contact me again do it under your account, I have a feeling you have one. Oh and please stop abusing the poor coma and use a period for once.
Hope you rot,
I hate it wean people leave flames with out leaving an email address or even a name! I mean come on, if you are a real flamer you at least have the pride to put your name on it! I know CBABW sucks, I kinda wrought it after all, people reviewing and telling me it's bad doesn't bother me at all but if the first word in your review is 'damn' which you just happen to use 12 words later I find it disturbing and aggravating.