Getting insurance sucks. They keep denying me for different reasons so I wrote into the health insurance board of CA. Don't think it'll get me insurance but at least I can figure out if they're just douchebags or doing something totally not legal. Whatever. It's out of my hands now.
Speaking of insurance, I NEED MY SLEEPY MEDS. but of course I can't get them because I don't have insurance. I haven't slept well for two weeks and it's really wearing down on me. I get chronic insomnia, but not the usual kind. I fall asleep just fine. I just can't stay asleep. Gawd it sucks terrible balls.
Tried a few things. Some homeopathic remedies (no sugar before bed, put vanilla-scented air fresheners by your bed, listen to music, completely darken the room). Nada. God damn sleep. Unisom seems to be working, but I'm still tired. Blah.
AND TBS STOP GOING OUT! I wanna watch more Big Bang Theory :(
Super amazing cross-post magic!