So I found a shelf for my figures at a thrift store. Definitely not enough space for all my figures. Mom found me a big one, which is perfect for all my larger things, but when I say big, I mean BIIIIG. I can't find a place where it goes. I'm running out of room for things in my room. I hung a giant sailor moon scroll I found this past weekend and found that nearly every inch of my wall has something on it now.
So this is my current figure shelf:
I need to go back and see if the second shelf is still there but lazy :/
I also went through my boxes that were from Namco (well the stuff that was on my desk that was shoved into boxes when I got laid off) that I've been ignoring for the past 3 1/2 months. I found a stapler. I don't remember that being on my desk but now I have a stapler.
My stapler.