So yeah, christmas kinda sucked. i got to spend time with mom and my sister for dinner, open a few presents, and went home to pack. it really felt empty with just the three of us. first time i've ever not spent time with my grandparents D:.
and since then we've been moving nonstop and cleaning the old house. i love the new place, but i abhor moving. hate it hate it hate it D:. the number of injuries are racking up and on top of that, i was sick sick sick. Bah. at least it's not as bad as it could have been. i'm at work souped up on cough drops, but doing better.
i'm taking my sister
indoor skydiving tomorrow. seems like it'll be interesting.
and so i'm almost ready to ship the two facebook games i've been working on for the last few months. sweet. they should be shipped around the new year. i'll have more on that later.
and one more thing!
おたんじょうびおめでとう,ゼル! :3~