Dreamscape: The Bathing Suit Search

Jun 25, 2005 12:27

This is one of those lovely dreams I call 'Angermares'. They are where you wake up spitting mad and want to kill the first person that speaks to you. I've been having these a lot lately, and I'm not sure why. The friends I refer to I haven't spoken to in years, and haven't seen since the 80's, but they used to be good friends. Just when I moved we kind of lost touch. Unfortunately it was my love who woke me up from this one, so he got the rabid beast effect until he poked me with a sharp, pointy stick and reminded me that he didn't do anything. That's when I stopped foaming at the mouth and kinda started laughing. My dreams are very vivid and when I wake up from them, it's like I'm still there..

The Bathing Suit Search

It’s winter in a colder region than I’m currently living. Everyone is wearing snowman jackets (the big fluffy kind that make your arms stick straight out because they’re too full) and I’m with a group of friends. There are the twins and the rat (she’s not known as the rat for any bad reason, just because ‘rat’ happens to be in her name, to us it’s a term of endearment) and then there is a bunch of people that I don’t know, like three to five females, that are friends of the twins, and so they’re also friends of mine, somehow.
We’re getting ready to go on vacation! It’s going to be a great vacation; we’re going somewhere warm and sunny! There will be a grand theme park (or three) as well as museums. I’d like to say we were intending to hit Florida, and see Disney, Epcot, the space station and other attractions there, but the dream never got that specific.
Everyone is packing and we’re doing the shopping together. For some reason all of us are less than skinny. I am less than skinny normally, and buying clothes is always a pain because I’m less than proportionate, I’m an upside down pear. Also, I noticed that almost all of the ‘extras’ had exceptionally long, thick hair. (I used to have long, thick hair, but I recently cut it all off to just above shoulder length because it was too hard to keep up with, with me being so gimply.) All colors of the normal spectrum of hair are represented as well, which is about normal because I don’t favor one color over another in people - I judge people based on the inside, not the outside.
We get down to the bathing suits. The rat and I need bathing suits for the theme park and the water park. Fitting her with a suit should be fairly simple, assuming they have all the normal sizes available. My suit on the other hand, will be a pain in the ass to find, as I’m out of the normal range of sizes kept in most stores. I can find bottoms easily; it’s the tops that never fit. (Though I’ve heard that there’s a specialty shop in the area that has suits in bra sizes and I’ve heard that they carry my size and beyond! I can’t wait to get there to see if it’s really true.)
We’re in a huge department store. On the way to the bathing suits we passed a child’s section where I helped an eight year old choose a set of outfits. Her mother didn’t speak English and didn’t understand just what it was I was doing there. For some reason, we (the little girl, her mother, and I) went back to the food court to show my mother (not a clue why she was here) what I picked out, for her to look at and approve. While we were there the little girl ordered fried okra. (Have the Popeye’s thread on the brain… )
The rat finds a few suits that should do it and heads off to the dressing rooms to try them on. I find a couple tops that might work, and head off to the lingerie section, as there is usually something there that will fit me and possibly be able to be passed off as a swimsuit. There’re a few really nice tops that I hope will fit, along with a couple bottoms I’m not too thrilled with. My saleswoman and I head off to the dressing rooms. One of the extras follows me to offer a second opinion.
The dressing rooms are across the store, in the eveningwear section. There’re bridal dresses, prom dresses, and all manner of fancy dresses here. I find a couple more things that may work for swimsuits here. Ritzy bodysuits. We get to the dressing rooms. There’s a long line. Customers and saleswomen are sitting on round couches, waiting in line. There’s no room on the couch, so we stand. My saleswoman starts horsing around with a few stock people.
Finally, it’s my turn in the dressing room. We’re in the little room on the end. For some reason the saleswoman is in the fitting room, helping with the fittings. I try on a lace camisole top. There’s no support and I think my nipples can be seen straight through it. The guys she was horsing around with are shaking the wall of the cubicle and making lots of noise. She’s calling over the wall, egging them on. I’m getting irritated at this point.
The wall gives out, and falls out towards the guys. I’m standing there in the camisole and jeans. The saleswoman cackles gleefully. The guys cackle and catcall. I’m scooped up on to the large one’s shoulders and paraded through the store. Past the carousel, past the sporting goods, past the electronics I’m carried. I finally gain my freedom in front of the food court. I’m so enraged! I’m a snarling rabid beast wanting nothing more than to take this guy’s head off his shoulders. I start in on him, and the phone wakes me.


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