BANZAI. Ohmiya makes the world go ROUND.

Mar 31, 2008 09:32

Gah. Fandom really fries my brian into unkown bits.. (wa? wazzat?)

And Ohmiya is one of those lovely little fandoms of mine. :3 (I am crazy, yes?)

I've been camping out in youtube since I was freed form the evil clutches of school. And since then, I haven't watched anything that's not at least closely related to Arashi. :P Anyway.. so, since, the orginal plan this summer was for me to accomplish the goal of making another Ohmiya angsty fic, of course I have to do some extensive "research". And, what better way than to watch some Ohmiya vids in youtube, ne? :D So, I was busy watching various Ohmiya vids when one caught my eye; actually.. it was a fanvid of purely Ohmiya PICS D: Aw.. So, I decided not to open it, but something inside me kept trying to make me watch it. Anyway, yesterday night, I was procrastianting sleep, (YES. I even procrastinate THAT for Arashi! :D) when I saw that vid agin when I searched for arashi vds to watch. Someone up there really loves me that's why they made me watch the vid XDD... I can't say that there was really something special in this vid. Actually, that's why I didn't watch it in the firts place- fanvids of slideshow bore me (gomen. m(-__-)m)



*flails at the computer happilly*

Ahhh.. Can you see me TOTALLY NOT FALAILING OVER THIS?!! *flaily-flail-flail*


ahhh!! OH-CHAAA~N!!! :D AND CHIBI NINO!!! *dies*

Ohmiya really makes a great couple!! :D

Need I say more? XD

Ah. I knew my T-shirt was wrong.. D: I thought that Oh-chan was going to use 'Satoshi' instead.. -__-;; But maybe it's for the best (It wouldn't help if you put a space between the first two letters.. 'OH_NO' and add an exclamation point in  the end, ne?) XDD   (omg.. i'm not making sense!! *insne laughter* Yes. Me insane. Rawr.)

I-I.. KAWAII!!!! *squeals in a fangirl way*

OMG. LOOK AT NINO'S FACE!! O__o and.. and.. OHNO'S FACE. *faints from the nosebleed*

And.. that's not what made me go gaga over the fanvid! Here's why!


No one can ever forget the famous Ohno <---> Nino WU messages! XDD

And Nino being the jealous guy protecting his 'property'.

YES! YES! NINO!! HE IS CUTE!! (eh.. just admit that he's hawt and fangirls will be screaming ur name!)

No words. Nada. Only... poor Sho. :p

YEY!! OHMIYA IN ACTION!! *flails happilly*


And Of course... I would like to end my post with this...

Yes. And Nino luvs u too huney.. :D

f: i spam you with sparkles. fear me.

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