Arashi 30-Day Meme Challenge-- when the world was high and Aiba was almost-raped by an old lady. 8D

Feb 04, 2011 16:30

So. Here it goes 8<>  <---aibaface

DAY 01-- Favourite Arashi Song.

woah. i don't even know how to start answering this. :/ I love most of arashi's songs to a fault (yes, i sing them and my mom thinks its my fault that every dog in our neighborhood keeps howling T~T) and don't really have a specific one that I like but... I guess I can just base it off on the song that got me into the fandom...

Should I, maybe let you guys guess?...considering there's supposedly someone out there reading this? XD So, DEAR READER, whoever (or whatever you are- virus, pr0n site bugs,etc, etc...) you are....

My most memorable song had a CAT in the PV.

There was also muscles and a net shirt.




And. a MELODY that shouldn't be FORGOTTEN. :D

Arashi says that a 'something' is IMPORTANT. So IMPORTANT you cant see it's RIGHT HERE in front of your face. :P

lol. I make no sense. Anyway. Here be it:

My fave/most memorable arashi song:

OH GREAT HOLY UDDER OF THE HOLY COW! IT'S KOTOBA YORI TAISETSUNA MONO!!! XD This song is the reason why I spiralled into the deathtrap that is this fandom. :p thank you kitty. thank you pretty pretty flowers. THANK YOU OBAA-CHAN (for sparing Aiba's virginity.... ok maybe he stopped being a virgin a long time ago but. BUTT. D:)

So~ next challenge on Monday! 8Db I have to go to the province this weekend. T_T guh. Anyway~ HAVE A NICE WEEKEND WORLD. :D

rl: procrastination is the answer, f: it's a magicalsongsongsong--yeah!, rl: life? what life?, f: the crack. it blinds meh., f: holy ass! it's the gunderwear model, rl: it be here, f: the arashi 30-day challenge, f: i spam you with sparkles. fear me., f: the gheiness. it also blinds meh., f: arashi: a ghei party in your pants, f: you are a shippo.

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