Title : After The Rain (Chapter 1)
Pairing : Ohmiya (Ohno satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari)
Rating: PG-13
Genre : Romance, fluff, angst
Beta :
fey_37 ., thank you so much for beta-ing and a very sexy Riidaa’s pic <3
Summary : Nino is just learning about love. What if the person he loves so much leaves him?
Note : Gomen, for delay too long. School is begin and my
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happy reading <3
And Ohchan,,,just by picturing him staring at Nino and thinking how cute the younger man is, made me grin... ^_^
Thank you, Sami-chan.
*spreading Ohmiya love*
but, I will make a little angst here,,even though I cried while I wrote this XP
thank you so much for reading,, neenaa :D
I like angst... but I know that you have the same weak heart as mine for not making OhMiya together at the end, nee~ *demanding
my poor heart is unable to accept the not together ohmiya ;p
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