Title : Of One Wing Missing (Chapter 7)
Pairing : Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari)
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Fluff, Romance
Beta :
fey_37 (hug her tight ><)
Summary : Ohno finally found the other half of his wings, but what if his other half already had two wings?
Note : for
runatochii who always cheers me,, thanks hun ;).
Minnaaaaa,, gomen for delay
Read more... )
Run for a spot, and now start reading XD
Why are you still awake anyway, Sami-chan?
why I am still awake? because this is holiday and I'm not going to college tomorrow and I wanna post this chapter no matter what XP
Thanks for reading,,^^
You made my heart beating so fast in Nino's POV...
The epilogue that you promised, could you post it soon?
Like, Now???
Just teasing :p
No. because I just wrote a half of them XD,, but promised this week,, hehehe
thanks for reading, love <3
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