still kickin'

Oct 23, 2005 15:10

Finally starting to slow down me life a bit again, and enjoying every minute of it. For a brief synapsis: spent last weekend celebrating the lovely and love-filled marriage of two wonderful people, and generally running amok in Portland trying to see many folks. This escape from AK created bunches of extra work before and after, which I am finally caught up on. I want to thank all you folks in Portland (and you in Seattle too) who made the trip so wonderful. I love you all, and keep you close in me heart.
My folks came up this week for AFN (Alaska Federation of Natives, an annual gathering of natives that serves as a political rallying point, reunion and crafts fair that is great fun), and so spent some time with them. My sister-in-law also came down with the kids, so got to play at uncle a bit more and help her at her crafts booth. I must admit that people watching is very interesting, especially when working at a rather up-scale crafts booth- well made seal and sea otter skin hats, fossilized ivory jewelry and seal skin vests are not cheap. Kinda fun to watch the folks pet the furs, get lost in the sensations, then get jolted back into reality when they ask the price.
Have midterms coming up this next week, which should be allright. Only have to worry about memorizing the Inupiaq vocab, and some of the torque stuff for statics. May the day bless you, and the night bring peace upon your souls.
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