Jun 11, 2005 23:31
"When I look right through
I see you naked but oblivious"- A Perfect Circle
"oh well
oh well
apparently nothing
apparently nothing at all"- A Perfect Circle
*sigh* (exaggerate this in your mind to be the longest sigh in the world). Looking at the situation. I don't know which number the situation is. I lost count a while back. Those of you who have spoken with me or have become better acquainted with me should realize that I enjoy talking like a fine Chardonnay and enjoy writing like a perfect orgasm BUT... It is when I am truly at a loss for words that I have the most to say. And right now...I am at a definite loss for words. The quoted lyrics above are not about me. They're about someone who made a difference in my life at ASU who has fallen...I will not say how, when or why but that they have fallen. I truly don't know what to say or rather, how to say it. I have so much but it's snaking away over the red crest ridge, disappearing over the horizon, waiting for my return by tommorow evening.
This is it for now. A billion planets and I need a black hole to vaccuum them all up before I begin.