Pokeshipping Friending Meme

Feb 19, 2008 07:31

Okays, I think we're needing a little more activity. Guys, don't be shy to speak up! We have nearly 50 members yet less than half are ever active/post. ;____; So, I took this meme from the egoshipping [go check their place out, guys, it's awesome <3] community since I thought it was a great idea for all the members here to get to know each other, and perhaps ( Read more... )

pokeshipping friending meme

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Comments 33

Hola parisiannymph February 19 2008, 13:38:50 UTC
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS IN POKEMON:I have always loved Misty, hands down
HOW DID YOU GET INTO POKESHIPPING?oh me, I was about 11 when I first got into it, I always thought Ash and Misty were just sooo cute together, they had that love/hate relationship at the start, and I was always curious to see if a romantic relationship would come out of it, so it kept me hooked for years.
WHAT APPEALS TO YOU MOST ABOUT POKESHIPPING?:its very sweet in the fact, they started off hating each other, then eventually this really cute, strong bond grew between them. and it was not one of these things that happened over one episode, it took time and thats realistic to me.
WHAT'S YOUR ULTIMATE FAVOURITE OR IDEAL ASH/MISTY SCENARIO?.ooo I dunno, I don't like thinking up these things as I prefer the element of surprise...and I'm quite rubbish at thinking up scenario's. best left to others in my opinion :D
FAVOURITE EPISODE? WHY?ok its been a while since I watched ( ... )


Re: Hola kasumisukimix February 19 2008, 16:45:23 UTC
Hii! xD

It's awesome that you live in Scotland. Oh, I've always wanted to go visit places in Europe! What's it like over there? =D

Misty is love, yes. <333

Aww, yes! You gotta love the passion they both share! Their love/hate side had me hooked as well! I couldn't stop reading fanfiction! It was so hard to resist. xDDD

I completetly agree with you there. Pokeshipping is the kind of relationship that first starts off as fierce companions who just got stuck with each other but then both of them grew with each other; I just find that to be wonderful. <3 It's just weird whenever shows have characters immedietely get along after an episode when they fight like hell. I just find that to be so unrealistic about life; people hold grudges like our dear Misty does. xD ( ... )


Re: Hola parisiannymph February 19 2008, 16:49:01 UTC
Scotland is cold, yeh its fine here not much to do if ur unless you like countryside and nature, I live on the coast so it's alright here. yeh, Meeko came from Pocahontas, which is ironic as I was called that at school, he's a grey tabby, so it fitted.

Whey another person who can't roll there tongue, I can't do it as i'm tongue-tied. :D


Re: Hola kasumisukimix February 19 2008, 16:58:35 UTC
Aww, it sounds like a relaxing place to be in. New York just has too many attractions. It's like, the place where noise never ends. xD But aww, really? That's so cute! :3

Awesome. *highfives* Hooray for the alliance of non-tongue rollers! xD


angelchan_2004 February 19 2008, 16:04:21 UTC
GENDER: Female
NATIONALITY: Uhm, English and German (and a mix of many others, according to my dad).
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS IN POKEMON: MEW! Misty, of course! And I've always loved James~
HOW DID YOU GET INTO POKESHIPPING? ...was it middle school? Maybe. Anyway, began watching it and loved the small interactions between them (blushes, denials, moments of adorkableness). I WAS DRAWN TO IT.
WHAT APPEALS TO YOU MOST ABOUT POKESHIPPING?: Just... the way the characters interact. The bond between them. Ash's dorkiness. Misty's stubborness. <33
WHAT'S YOUR ULTIMATE FAVOURITE OR IDEAL ASH/MISTY SCENARIO? ASH AND MISTY. WITH BABIES. I dunno.... I guess I just love awkward, 'longing to tell you but it's hard to' moments.
FAVOURITE EPISODE? WHY? It's been a looooon time since I've last watched Pokemon (must fix this!). I suppose The Tower of Terror? I loved the whole ghost Pokemon plot (not to mention the Ash and Misty stuffs). ;3;


kasumisukimix February 19 2008, 16:56:42 UTC
Aww, 22 is not old! Don't say that to yourself! xDDD

Yay for Misty love. <333 And James is just so funny and weird; gotta love that. xD

Oh wow, I started watching it in middle school as well. But yes, they are too cute. YES, ASH IS A DORK. <3 That makes everyone love him for his "I'm gonna be the best around! >D" attitude while Misty's teasing him. xD I don't know, they're so fun to pair up. xD

:O! YAY, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO WANTS THEM TO HAVE BABIES! XD I think the idea itself it just far too adorable to love. And yes, omg! I jusy love those kind of moments! Makes me think of Gotta Catch Ya Later right away.. that one moment where Ash and Misty were just staring at each other until Brock interrupts. I was all, "Nooooooooooooo! ><;" xD ( ... )


angelchan_2004 February 19 2008, 18:08:27 UTC
Haha, I can't help it! xD

Misty was awesome~ She was always my favorite character to draw when I was younger; though I think I started drawing her more like the manga after I'd read it. I remember, after not watching it for a long time, I caught the second half of the episode where she leaves and I was distraught! The little song, AND ASH SAASFKD GOT HER A NEW BIKE. ;.;

OMG, BABIES MAKE EVERYTHING CUTER. WHICH WOULD MAKE THESE TWO FLUFF-TASTIC. Oooh, I remember that one! Must make a note to self: download Pokemon and rewatch!

Aha, yeah, that's the one! I was just amused that she actually went with Brock's antics and everything. x3 But alas, 'twas not meant to be!

I have actually not watched the anime yet! Just trying to catch up to the manga. Heheh, I'm leaning toward Luffy/Nami, myself, because of all the little moments those two have though my roommate keeps telling me Luffy's too immature and Nami deserves Sanji! XDDraw more! Maybe I'll post the Pokeshiping picture I drew last year; a friend of mine colored it, ( ... )


kasumisukimix February 19 2008, 23:42:47 UTC

OMG, really? The manga was made of win. I love Ono's style of Misty, so much fun to draw and so inappropriate, too but that's not always bad *shot* xDDDDD OMG THE SONG. ;_______________________; That was the saddest thing I ever heard. I cried like crazy. I remember my little brother saw me crying and he began to cry because I was. xDDDDD It's so sad, though. Misty was introduced with the bike, and she left with it, too. Destiny. o__o

YES, YES, YES! <3 FANGIRLING OVER THEIR BABIES IS SO MADE OF WIN! XDDD They have a ton of the episodes, especially the old ones on DVD! Oh yeah, I do recall this one person who's screencapping all of Kanto and beyond. Oh, this is the link here! This dude wins for doing this for everybody, so maybe downloading the screenshots can bring back memories! xD ( ... )


kasumisukimix February 19 2008, 17:39:04 UTC
Can you believe that I had to do this two comments because the whole thing by itself was too long? I'm so sad, yes, and I type too much for my own good. xD

NAME/NICKNAME: Kristell [pronounced as Crystal], but most call me Kris, K-chan, or Yellow. :3
AGE: 18.
GENDER: Female.
LOCATION: New York, but it's very boring, I have to say. Not enough peacefulness. ><;
NATIONALITY: No one would guess that I'm Peruvian. People are all, "What? You're Peruvian? No way!" xD And I'm also Brazilian [recently learned from my great grandmother], Chinese, and Japanese.
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS IN POKEMON: Misty without a doubt. A lot of people always dislike her for her stubborn, bitchy side but I find her to be one of the most understanding characters of them all. She knows what it's like to have a family who doesn't really accept you for who you are, and keep having to prove yourself to them. I can just find myself relating to Misty in almost every situation I run into. We're both so alike: friendly most of the time, having a wild temper, responsible/ ( ... )


kasumisukimix February 19 2008, 17:39:17 UTC
WHAT APPEALS TO YOU MOST ABOUT POKESHIPPING?: Oh my god, this question is so hard to answer. I don't know, I've really come to like how much Ash and Misty value each other in their friendship. The way the two of them communicate and come to understand each other regardless of their flaws is what makes me love this couple. It's thanks to this pairing that I ended up meeting the most wonderful guy around, so I owe a lot to it as crazy as it sounds. I truly believe that some day, we'll finally get to see the conclusion of Pokeshipping in the anime. I get a feeling we're just going to see how they'll be like in the future for a few seconds and then have to interpret. I don't know, I just love analyzing them, it's just so much fun! I enjoy how realistic they are. We have Ash who focused on his goals, the kind that will give up while being strangely adorable at the same time. We all knows Ash is a dork, but we love him anwyays, especially that dense side of him. And then we have Misty who's fiery, romantic, and yet has herself stuck into ( ... )


angelchan_2004 February 19 2008, 18:23:03 UTC
Long posts are always good~

It always makes me so sad when I hear people complain and hate on Misty. She's just a normal teenaged girl! I mean, do they expect her to be this happy-Mary Sue that everyone loves? ;.; She is so much better than that!

OMG ANML.COM. I. I used to go there all the time--that, and PMFFA (oh, the memories!). I miss those old stories... Aha, nothing wrong with being a 'crazy fan!' I find it more of a compliment!

<3 Completely agree with your reasons for Pokeshipping~

That was another of my favorite episodes! I just love the end, with Ash being himself and Misty just being cute and--! *gushes* <3333

Is it sad that I only know of Pokeshipping and Rocketshipping? xD What are the other ones? AND YES, SHIPPING IS VERY FUN! 8D

Oh, oh! That reminds me! I've only seen about seven episodes of RxJ!

I see nothing wrong with writing essays as a hobby. x3 Sometimes they are easy ways to express ideas; kind of like writing fics, too. Have you played Super Mario Galaxy yet? BTW, love your icon~~~TV ( ... )


kasumisukimix February 20 2008, 00:03:38 UTC
Yays! <3

I know! It's so frustrating how people make fun of Misty for every reason possible. One of the most shallow reasons was that "she doesn't have boobs like May!" or that she's under-developed. I wtf so badly because it's ridiculous yet funny at the same time. I love how Misty basically shows that she doesn't have to be happy all the time, she's a serious character when situations call for it. And then there's the "Togepi ruined her character!!!" theory. -___________-

I wish that site was there now. I seriously miss it. ;____; And yays! Most people are creeped out by me and my obsession. xDDD

Yipee! <3 ( ... )


mizunosakura February 19 2008, 21:05:47 UTC
NAME/NICKNAME: Jennifer/Jen/Emi/Rini XD
AGE: 18 and a half~
GENDER: Female
NATIONALITY: Italian American Mutt
HOW DID YOU GET INTO POKESHIPPING? I just really liked them together as the series went on. I'd watch Pokemon every day so it was no wonder it eventually grew on me.
WHAT'S YOUR ULTIMATE FAVOURITE OR IDEAL ASH/MISTY SCENARIO? I'm not really sure. I guess I always liked something where Misty is finally getting ready to tell him, but chickens out and runs off and Ash chases after her and they end up talking, and either he does something to show he likes her or suddenly makes her more comfortable and tells her. I just think it'd be nice for them to have their first kiss on a beach under the stars.
FAVOURITE EPISODE? WHY? The Pinkan Island episode. Because pink is my favorite color :D *killed* But I also really liked the ( ... )


kasumisukimix February 20 2008, 00:14:59 UTC
I shall call you Jen, then! xD

New York alliance, ftw. I live on the island, though. xDDD

Aww, same! I watched Pokemon [before I had the Internet] every day on TV. It became my anti-drug. xDDDDDDDD


Yes! omh, first kiss FTW. <3 I would love it if Ash had the guts to show that he likes her in return; why are you holding him back, Ash's hormones?! xD ( ... )


mizunosakura February 20 2008, 00:29:08 UTC
Okay then! XD <3

Still works! :P I have family in the island part so... But yes, NY is a big enough place. XD

Yeeees. I think I stopped mostly around when Misty was removed and when the schedule changed @-x; It was hard to catch it before then so I missed a lot of her last episodes which I'm still kicking myself for.

I KNOW. LOVE/HATE FOREVER XD It's how my relationship is too :P Which is kind of funny since I always expected something sweet and I got the relationship I love to watch >>

Yes! <3 It would be great. And well, Ash only got a deeper voice (Stupid voice changes.. >___>) this season so I don't know how harmonial he is XD

Ash fails at impressing XD He failed in Misty Meets her match too. But his dorkiness is what makes him so loveable and awesome <3 I'm happy she stayed with Ash ^__^ It just was such a cute moment and Ash is still all jealous and stupid and dense... XD ( ... )


roll_soul February 19 2008, 23:02:39 UTC
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
LOCATION: North Carolina, USA
NATIONALITY: My own, hahahahahaha--*shot* Actually, I'm Irish/English/French xD
HOW DID YOU GET INTO POKESHIPPING? It's been so long, I actually don't remember XDXD Although I do remember early on thinking "Oh my god, they'd be so CUTE together!"
WHAT APPEALS TO YOU MOST ABOUT POKESHIPPING?: "Oh my god, they'd be so CUTE together!" *snickers* Well, they would. And I feel that it's damn near canon, we just need that one extra little push...
WHAT'S YOUR ULTIMATE FAVOURITE OR IDEAL ASH/MISTY SCENARIO? Ooh, tough choice... Can I just say "All of the above?" with any AAML scenario? XD
FAVOURITE EPISODE? WHY? The Stun Spore Detour. We got your AAML, we have Ash and Tracey in ONOES PERIL (what can I say, I'm a sucker for injuries), we have Misty featured, and we have Poliwaaaag. What else is there to love?
OTHER SHIPS YOU SUPPORT? (EGO): BROCK X JYNX Err, I've always been a bit of a closet Ash/Gary fan, but ( ... )


kasumisukimix February 20 2008, 00:46:29 UTC
Aww, no worries! It's tought to remember stuff after so long. xDDDD But they irresistably cute! xD

YES! Either literal or interpretive, it doesn't matter! xD They need to be pushed together anyways. xDDDD

LMAO, that works! xD

Aww, I remember that episode! It showed just how sweet Misty is! It's was so adorable when Misty went over to Ash and said, "It's okay, I'm here" I nearly fainted. xDDDDD

Ooh, the rival pairings are fun, too! I kind of miss how Gary used to be with his car filled with girls. xD

omg, Code Lyoko! I remember that show! I support Ulrich/Yumi and Jermeie/Aelita, too! They were all great to watch. 8D


;D! I love to advertise. *shot* xDDD


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