Aug 30, 2010 21:28
I suppose a person could spend their whole life figuring out what love is. I suppose most people do spend their whole lives doing just that, and I'm not sure what it would mean to live a life where one didn't. And since I'm not likely to spend more than 15 minutes typing up this entry, I'm sure it will be woefully inadequate.
I think that, like many things, love has levels. Being more of a crush person than a love person, I have spent a lot of time in the corners and edges of love. Here love is a resonance in the spirit, a thrumming. If I am not paying attention I might not notice it. And in fact, I often don't notice it, until it's broken or gone.
Deeper in, love is a stillness, a certainty. It is not particularly breakable, though it can itself inflict great hurt. And it is never gone.