Dear Internet

Jan 03, 2009 23:45

Stop over-using flash. Due to Adobe eating Macromedia and bloating the program absurdly, flash now sucks shit. Use it as a single object on a page, that's fine. Use it for ease of embedding video. That's fine. Those are optional things. Using it for every fucking aspect of your site and demanding that I have it active to use your site. That's a no-go.

There's something called html, php, sql, shit that are standards for the internet. Flash is optional. Java is also optional. Regardless of what your web developer has told you. If you are going to be lazy enough to put your whole site in flash or java, if you want me to use it, have some kind of backup.

It's called common courtesy. It's called not expecting people to have anything other than a basic browser. So quit being rude motherfuckers telling me I need to turn on flash and java. I shouldn't have to if I don't want to. I don't expect all the eye candy, I don't expect so-called full features. I just want the information I came for, even if it's black text on a white background.

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