May 06, 2008 18:40
The boys (aka my brothers and my dad) should be counting their lucky stars that they weren't here earlier, because they would have heard my wrath.
Long story short, my stuff came in (hurrraayyy I have clothes! and shampoo! and my stuff!) and I needed some place to put it. My older bro "moved out" as in he sleeps somewhere else but his shit was still all over the room- clothes covering the floor, every flat surface covered with garbage, etc. So I, yes I of all people, ended up cleaning all freaking day. Now the room looks great, but shit I'm tired.
I got good news though! I got 2 interviews tomorrow- one from a temping agency and another for house-sitting. I'm also making some cash by cleaning a house on Thursday.
So things are going well.
Hopefully I'll have a steady gig by next week. Then I can spend time learning to drive, studying the GRE and fixing/installing Linux on my computers instead of all this bullshit cleaning and applying for jobs.
I am gonna send out my resume to a couple more places, then I'm all done!