CR Chart!

Mar 19, 2011 23:51

✦ hate / mutual dislike
✦ dangerous / otherwise bad news / hitlist
✦ neutral / only spoken to once / dislike
✦ "it's complicated"
✦ useless

✓ still in-game
❖ interest / spoken to a couple times
❖ considered an ally
❖ considered a friend
❖ nakama / family
❖ dating / sexually attracted to
❖ even stronger feelings maybe

✗ dropped


Yuusei Fudou


lol ACTUALLY, Kiryu has come to be pretty chill about Yuusei. He'll still deny that Yuusei is a friend, but he really does see him that way now, and he does trust him again. He'd even like to hang out more, maybe have another, more friendly duel, maybe get him into Dancitron for free (even though lol Yuusei in a dance club).

He still has bitter feelings, and he is definitely jealous of how much attention Bruno gets, but he's getting there.

believeinnexus✦ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✓

Crow Hogan

Kiryu definitely thinks of Crow as a friend and teammate again; he showed he was worth trusting during the Nightmare plot when he came in to save Kiryu. And then he was okay with being a drinking buddy yay. Kiryu is still kind of iffy about him but for the most part, he's willing to work through their differences and be friends again.

Crow is probably 50% or the reason Kiryu's mostly okay with Yuusei now.

teppoudama_crow✦ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✗


Oh Bruno. Kiryu really has no idea what to do with him. On one hand, he genuinely likes Bruno and thinks Bruno is probablya good friend--oh and the robot thing. The robot thing is pretty cool when Bruno's not trying to kill him. And he can always use more techy friends.

But...Bruno's almost too much of a derp for him sometimes. Oh, and his closeness with Yuusei is annoying. Really annoying. And Kiryu hasn't quite gotten over the idea that Bruno's living with Yuusei, Jack, and Crow in the future and he isn't. Yeah, he's a little jealous...

donttasemebro✦ ✦ ❖ ✓

Carly Nagisa

Carly's another person he just doesn't know what to do with. She not technically a Dark Signer...but she was going to be...but she seems to hate the idea...but she's still kind of fun to be around...but she likes Jack...but Misty seemed eager to have her around...

But it was nice of her to give him chocolates.

hittheroadjack❖ ❖ ✓

Misty Lola

He really, really, really misses Misty. Part of him wonders if it might have been better if Misty had never shown up at all, since she was around for such a short period so long ago...but he was really excited to have another Dark Signer around and another friend to share this world with.

They didn't get to hang out much back home, but he does see her as a good friend and ally and he...really, really misses her.

seeyourface❖ ❖ ❖ ✗

Aki Izayoi

So Aki kicked his ass once, ages and ages ago...and Kiryu was definitely interested in her power, since it was so similar to his. But she never seemed to like him much. :(

amonsterami✦ ❖ ✗


Kiryu doesn't like her. She doesn't like him. Idek how we ever thought they could get along ever.

/sob Zombie Cultists have feelings too Ruka...

gallitrap✦ ✦ ❖ ✓

Dark Bakura

One one hand, Bakura really hates this guy and warns everyone about him and makes him sound like the devil (since he...kind of is lol). And Alastair doesn't seem to like him much either.

On the other hand, he was the only one who offered to help when Alastair's soul was sealed, and he didn't seem like the type to just randomly help anyone. And he's interesting to talk to.

stealer_ofsouls✦ ✦ ❖ ✓

Seto Kaiba

So Kaiba's pretty awesome because he brought Duel Monsters and D-Wheels and holograms to the City. THIS IS AWESOME.

But he's still a jerk. And Kiryu feels only slightly bad for "borrowing" from him. Also he beat Alastair and sealed his soul screw you Kaiba. :/

ceodragon✦ ✦ ❖ ✓


Alastair Krajac


Alastair is on an extremely short list of people Kiryu has actually loved--and yes, he is in love with him, it is possible! Actually, Kiryu didn't really completely fall for him until Alastair was totally awesome during the nightmares. Which is one reason he likes the Orichalcos power so much! Also because it's similar to what he could do back home.

Anyway, Alastair is his best friend next to Saitou, and his biker buddy, and someone who understands him, and probably who he was cloned from, and his powers are awesome, and he's a great duelist whose deck goes perfectly with Kiryu's powers...Kiryu could really just hang out with him all the time and never get tired of it. Alastair's the one who really made him want to change, because he showed it was possible (and he still thinks that, even if Alastair doesn't).

And yeah, they've had their fights, because that's inevitable with Kiryu, but they've always come out stronger in general.

Oh yeah, and the sex is great.

hackeralastair❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✓

Ryou Bakura

Bakura is way to nice to be his friend, but somehow he is anyway, and Kiryu is definitely grateful for that. And yeah, in the beginning, Kiryu saw him more as a tool (for healing) than a friend, but that changed pretty quickly. Bakura kind of just does that to people.

But Alastair's always been a lot closer to Bakura than Kiryu ever wasn't, even if Kiryu considers him family. He was still beyond pissed off that Bakura got killed.

shiromadoushi❖ ❖ ❖ ✓

Hajime Saitou

Saitou was Kiryu's first friend in the City and his best friend next to Alastair. And yes, he does have some stronger feelings than that, although he would never admit it out of repect for Alastair and Saitou's wife. But god, does he get jealous about how much attention and outward affection Saitou shows that damn cop Maza. :/

He knows best how to keep Kiryu in check, and secretly, Kiryu really appreciates that. He was willing to deal with Kiryu's nightmares and listen to him talk. He was willing to trust Kiryu very early on and teach him to be even more dangerous, and Kiryu really appreciated that. Without Saitou around, Kiryu would have been really, really miserable and probably wouldn't have tried to change at all.

Actually, he's kind of miserable now, deep down, because he isn't there anymore. He's maybe a little less miserable after going to visit Saitou's grave but...only a little. He still really wishes Saitou would come back, even if it's selfish, even if it would be awkward around Alastair, 'cause goddamn he wants his best friend back.

fuckingshogun✦ ✦ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✗

Trowa Barton

Trowa reminds him a lot of Yuusei, more than anyone. And that makes Kiryu kind of wary of him, but also very curious. And yeah, while he agreed not to talk to him after the soul steal shenanigans, that was only because he felt like crap, and he won't bother keeping that up now.

pacifisted❖ ✓


Hiruma is awesome for letting him continue to stay in Hell Towers even though Kiryu was a terrible tenant and he's chosen to take out his anger outside like Hiruma asked out of respect. But he doesn't really know much else about this guy except that Alastair flirts with him sometimes and Saitou liked him so he can't be that bad.

hellcommander❖ ✓

Haruka Toyama

Haruka is another very nice person, and she gave him brownies when he was feeling like crap, and she doesn't seem to mind him even though he knows all about what happened with Yuusei and Security. Kiryu isn't quite sure what to do with her but hey, she's a friend!

precog_princess✦ ❖ ❖ ✓



Kiryu really only joined the Decepticons on a whim and a need to be part of something since his team wasn't around, but he's never regreted it. And he's probably one of a very small amount of people who genuinely respected Starscream in the end. He saw a lot of himself and Rudger in Starscream, and he definitely saw a leader worth following. Starscream had his screw-ups, but he always stood up, brushed himself off, and tried again. And he did seem to care a little for his team, or at least, he cared if they got hurt or died.

Oh, and he knew Death too. That was big.

Kiryu saw him as a leader too much to really strike up a friendship, but he did really want to. Starscream was the reason Kiryu really buckled down and started learning English, so he could communicate better with the 'cons. And Kiryu still really wants to know who the hell killed him so he can get revenge.

loltraitorlol✦ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✗


Soundwave's deep appreciation of music was pretty awesome and what really drew Kiryu to him in the first place. That was something he could relate to. And he was one of the calmer Decepticons and Kiryu likes calm, logical people. And Alastair really liked him from the beginning. Anyway, Soundwave was the Decepticon Kiryu turned too most often for help or just to hang out.

Oh, and Soundwave was the one in charge of Dancitron, and he employed Kiryu when there were probably better people out there to choose from. That was pretty cool.

Kiryu's always felt bad about how much Soundwave was always willing to do for him (like letting Kiryu and Saitou hide out at his house for a while) and how little he was able to do for Soundwave in return. And he feels really guilty for not being around when Soundwave died. And for still owing him.

allshock_notalk✦ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✗


lmao Shockwave is complicated. Because he's kind of ridiculously logical and probably wouldn't give Kiryu the time of day if Kiryu hadn't been friends with Soundwave. But for some reason, Shockwave's always been willing to humor him a bit and that's awesome. Kiryu can't fathom why, since he's like...anti-logic, but he'll take what he can get!

Shockwave's one of those people who has always reminded him of Yuusei, although in his case it's more what Kiryu wishes Yuusei would be like. You know, on his side and morally corrupt...But Kiryu also really looks up to his love of logic and coolheadedness, 'cause those are things he's never really had. Also, Shockwave is interesting to talk to and it's fun to get him out doing things.

Now that Shockwave's the leader of the 'cons, Kiryu looks up to him that way too. He's only not actively worrying about Starscream's murderer because Shockwave asked him not to. He doesn't like it, but Shockwave must have had a reason, and he's the leader, so Kiryu won't betray him by not listening to his wishes.

notsoloyal✦ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✓

Sentinel Prime

Sentinel is an Autobot and a cop so Kiryu dislikes him on principle. But he's also really damn grating and that stupid stunt he pulled around Valentine's Day basically made Kiryu hate him. Good job, Aphrodite.

theprimerprime✦ ✦ ✦ ✓

The Major

SOOO MUUUUCH HAAAAAATE. The Major's done a lot of shit to piss him off. Mostly it was killing Soundwave. Also brainwashing Alastair. Also sending an assassin after Alastair and getting Bakura instead.


loves_war✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✓

Brother Cavil

Oh god, Kiryu just hates this man so much aljkajskds...Cavil killed him twice and Saitou once and is just and insufferable dick in general...SOOOOOOO MUCH HAAAAAAAAATE.


There's a lot of similarities between the two of them and Kiryu's aware of that, so if he hadn't been murdered that one time...

bestmachine✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✗

Shiro (Hollow Ichigo)

HELLO LOOK-ALIKE even down to getting longer hair later in the series lmfao. Also Shiro kicked his ass once; he has to respect that.

holeheart✦ ❖ ✓

Sho Minamimoto


tangento❖ ❖ ❖ ✗

Death / Didi

Kiryu has a lot of feelings about Death! He's very comfortable with her, considering he's met her...several times...but he's still not ready to meet her again. Even though he knows he's got at least two more meetings...

But anyway! He really likes her and he really wishes she'd been around longer 'cause she was the only person who sort of knew him already and still liked him. Of course she did; she's Death. But that was still pretty cool.

beforemetoday✦ ✦ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ✗

Makimachi Misao

Misao is like a little sister to him, mostly because she annoys Saitou just by existing and that's awesome. He still feels guilty about letting her get attacked, even if she forgot about it.

amnotaweasel❖ ❖ ❖ ✗

Miles Edgeworth

Edgeworth is a goody-two-shoes and an authority figure and that made Kiryu dislike him on principle. It only grew into general indifference.

icydisposition✦ ✦ ✗


Geddoe reminds him of Saitou, enough to poke at him a bit, but not enough to poke at him while he had his Saitou fix. But he's definitely on Kiryu's radar still.

trueltning_fury❖ ✓

taken from here, original from facetious

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