Mar 02, 2010 10:43
The Dracaena Marginata can be a lovely houseplant. It likes 68-70 degrees, moist soil and bright, indirect light.
I bought one of these almost 3 years ago, and gave it to my father when I moved out of the dorms. He promptly let it almost die. The problem I think is that he did two things to it - kept it wet and cold. It sat by the Bay doors which were often barely at 60; not exactly warm weather!
So when I got my apartment I claimed it, and my Christmas Cactus. I'm pretty sure at this point, the warmer apartment is helping, but I'd like to repot the plant nontheless as it's been in the same soil for 3+ years. I'd rather not fertilize it (something that happened at an alarmingly regular pace prior to it's move), but rather give it newer, healthier soil with better drainage.
So far the rehab is going well. My major concern for it right now is it's in not-so bright indirect light, and I'm finding a fair amount of brown tips, though the number is far less then before. It's being the most picky and finky of any house plant I've cared for to date.
The Christmas Cactus couldn't care less about what it's living conditions are and is happily sprawling everywhere. Going to have to repot it just so it has a pot that it actually fits in.