Apr 10, 2010 13:26
To my 10man ICC group:
I don't say it often. But I'm proud of you guys.
Yes, you can all prolly hear me nervously babbling every time we reach a boss. Yes, you all can hear me mutter the eternal words "DON"T STAND IN BAD SHIT". Or begging - "Healers, heal, Tanks, tank and DPS just kill shit dead." You've all put up with me all but ripping hair out as I try to fill slots with people who quite literally have never stepped foot in ICC before. You've put up with the raid schedule changes, the personal changes, even the buff changes.
You make me proud to be a part of this raiding team. Last night we pulled together after 2 weeks of rebuilding, and re-organizing, and choose not to go backwards. We stepped up, and pulled Lich King.
Yes, we didn't down him. But we took our 'crappy comp' and we made it work. We took the comp the other group laughed at, and said wouldn't work, and by gods we were getting through phases cleanly and efficiently. Who cares that we don't have a Disc priest? We have 2 Tree druids AND a Holy Priest. Who cares that we have 4 melee including tanks? 2 of 'em are DKs and by god can both of them put out a ton of DPS. Not only that but we have slows galore for the Valks. Sure. Our buff makeups is a bit weird and funky. But we came together as the group, intended to progress and we did.
And you know what?
We didn't need the other group to hold our hand. We didn't need X on his druid alt, telling us what to do. We didn't need any of the officer's preferred players. We didn't need any of it. We had ourselves and that, that is why we're going to succeed.
You guys rock.