butherfucker. i have a bad cold. i almost wrote clod.

Dec 06, 2004 18:48

i wadt to bake a dew livejourdal icod. <<<------Read that aloud. you may get the joke. or not.

yes. i did cry at the scrimmage. why? cause i suck dick. dustin will corroborate this statement.
i dont know why. i am depressed. missed an appointment with dr. lettuce. i miss dawn apperson. she was good. i am so butherfuckig stressed-out. i need to work on english. write and memorize 3 monologues in french. memorize a speech for acdec. make dustin happy. deal with my mom. keep the goddamn scissors away. resist the urge to kill something. make an entire art final by friday. FUCK. deal with dicks and bitches at school who are assholes to me and everyone else. theres so much crap to do. i cant sleep lately. my OCD is rearing its ugly head again. wow. i sound like a whiney little bitch. (probably cause i am one!) FUCK. i am so tired of this way of living. nothing i can think of to do. FUCK.

mom decided to invite john to california with us. at least dustin and i will get our own room this time. i want my mom to be normal for once. but no, she sees a foreign key on my keyring and takes it off, then accuses dustin of giving it to his "unsavory" friends and family members. goddamn.

i took dustin home early cause i dont feel well.

nathan cannot buy my drums. there goes my christmas present buying money. anyone want a set of drums? good condition. pacific. including a hi hat, a ride, a bass drum, floor tom, and two mounted toms. honestly. anyone want it? $400. originally purchased for $550. let me know. im serious.

i am listening to green day, one of my favorite CDs of theirs. i should go do my homework.

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