To Christain...and others that care!

May 01, 2006 14:30

Ok so these are the ones that I want to get done. But I’m not getting the whole thing. Just the m symbol thing that’s on the insides of them. So yea help me decide!

hey christian do you think that you could do one other thing for me? i dont think that ill be able to go and read the comments that people left for me on my post in the bham community so if you read them do you think that you could call me tonight? or at least leave yer phone on so that i can call you. plus ima call you no matter what so that i can get yer feed back on which one you like the best!

so there was more that i wanted to talk about but i didnt wanna have to make two entries to do it so here it goes! this morning me and travis were layin in bed and i was asleep when all the sudden travis ripped the biggest ass you ever heard in yer life. it musta gone on for at least 30 seconds to a minute, if not longer! it was soooo wrong on sop many levels. and then a few mintes later he did it again. well since im a bitch right now cause im all pmsy i took the blanket and went and layed on the yea and right before i did that he fuckin yelled back at me and was like i dont ever want to hear you fart again. never ever. dont ever fuckin fart ever again! and it really hurt my feelings. so yea then he decided that it was time for him to go and get ready for work so i went back into the bedroom to go to bed and as i was walkin past him he squished me and had the gaddamn nerve to fart ON ME! yea that really was the icing on the cake. and then later i had to get up for school. well my smart ass didnt set my alarm on my phone last night so i got up literally 10 minutes before i had to be out the door and catch the bus for school. so by the time i got here i was in a hella pissy mood. so i went to class and my teacher was like "wow colleens early today" and i looked at him and was like"yea ive been here early every day for the last two weeks!" and i was not nice about it at all. and then i left the classroom and went to the office to get my new buspass! but then after 1st period my day got better and now it all good!
so yea thats all fo now! ill be back tomorrow to vent more!

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