my life at the moment ...

Apr 27, 2007 21:42

this semester is almost over and for me, then end cannot come fast enough. i've been so overwhelmed these last months with school full time, work part-time (at least 32 hours but less than 40), and my home life, which is great--just busy. but school's been the worst. i thought i'd be slick and not go to 2 consecutive finite math classes. wtf was i thinking, seriously. i now have a test on monday that i know nothing about, lol. at least i've done well on all the other tests so i've got a bit of a cushion to fall back on, ya know ...

ethan is practically a grown man. okay, that was a bit extreme, but seriously--he's getting so big it's crazy. still not walking though. I KNOW HE CAN DO IT, but he's soooo scared! he's obsessed with walking around the house holding onto our hands, and he loves "cruising" and using his little push-toy walker type thingies, but when i try to get him to do it on his own he literally thows himself down onto the ground and starts crying. what a weenie (hahaha i'm kidding! quit freaking out!)

nope, no walking, but there is talking! he says bye-bye, ball, mama, up, and a couple other things that i'm not thinking of. he used to say "dada" and he's even said "daddy" once that i heard, but ever since he started saying "mama" he mostly quit saying "dada."  weird. and he's starting to get really jealous, which is funny. if robert puts his arm around me and says, "MY momma!" he gets really upset!! sometimes he'll even cry! at first we thought it was funny, but then the other night when he was laying down i gave robert a hug and he just started crying, so we said we weren't going to do that "game" anymore. we might create a monster.

work is ... work. it's going alright. we're having our annual company picnic tomorrow so me & robert & ethan are going to that. i remember last year i kind of wanted to go & take ethan (who was like 7 weeks old) but i changed my mind since he was so small. anyway so that should be fun.

anyway, now that i've rambled on and on and on ... i'll give you guys a break now. (if you even made it through the whole thing!)

oh and mia, (my firstborn cat-child), says "hi!" well, actually she said "meow," but i know that's what she meant.

mommy stuff, animals, family, ethan, school, work

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