Good things:
- Johnny Depp, of course. I mean he is awesome.
- Orlando Bloom has gotten soooo hot. He has always been, but I don't know, he was just stunning in that movie.
- the fight scenes. I just love fight scenes.
- Shipwreck Island was just so cool.
- Davy Jones.
- the first Jack Sparrow scene in the desert where he is hallucinating.
- Elizabeth's clothes.
- Keith Richards.
- the nine pieces of eight being nine pieces of junk.
Bad things:
- sooooo confusing. Seriously, Pirates 2 was already confusing enough compared to the first one, but Pirates 3 is just a big mess. Too many people, too many plots, too many characters who want different things. It's supposed to be a family movie, there's no way a kid can follow that.
- only like 5 minutes of Norrington and then he dies. NOOOOO!!!!
- too much surnatural.
- Calypso. ok that was just corny and uncessary. And the way she was released. Seriously, that was bad.
- my favorite music was only in the end credits.
- not funny enough.
- too long.