Mod Post - A Favour to Ask

Feb 27, 2012 12:08


I have two favours to ask you lovely people, all for my 20inspirations claim(s):

1. Could you please tell me where to get HD Breaking Bad - Season 1 screencaps? Or if you make them yourselves, I would appreciate your favourite screencaps and all the Jesse Pinkman you can find. :p But, only Season 1 please, I haven't watched anything further than that!

2. The other theme I can't get out of my head is Misfits - Season 3 - Kelly/Seth, so if you have screencaps you would love me to icon for this claim, please share, and I will include it/them. ♥

Also if you haven't seen the request icons yet: Part 1. & Part 2. are already posted. I will be working on Part 3. soon, might be slower now that I have claims in mind.

Have a lovely day and thank you for your help. ♥

Take care of yourselves,
with love,
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