#56 - 21 icons

Feb 16, 2012 12:47

Dear, Watchers!

I am updating with a second batch for this month's 20inspirations challenge. I knew I wanted to get a second bacth done, as I finished the first one really fast! I iconned the same fandoms this time around: Charmed, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Leverage, Lost, Misfits, Sherlock BBC, adding a couple more: Dollhouse, Downton Abbey and Merlin. I tried to present different colourings for each icon, but sometimes a certain style like grunge effects with muted/sepia colours just made me want to use them all over again. I tried to use different sepias though, sometimes lighter, sometimes darker and also experimented with textures. I think I am content with this batch, even if there is a lot of improvements to be done, but there always is! Well, I think that is all the pre-ramble I have. Oh, one more thing: this time I added explanations, because I had the time and the patience. I hope you will enjoy reading them and like some of the icons! I appreciate your feedback and support. ♥

[20] Multifandom [Charmed, Doctor Who, Dollhouse, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Leverage, Lost, Merlin, Misfits, Sherlock BBC] for 20inspirations
[1] Alternative

01 - Platonic Life Partners
02 - Rapunzel Hair
03 - The Gunslinger
04 - Action Mom
05 - First Kiss

06 - Heterosexual Life Partners
07 - Disappears Into Light
08 - Home Sweet Home
09 - Lady In Red
10 - Breakout Character

11 - Love To Hate
12 - Badass
13 - Mind Screw
14 - Break The Cutie
15 - Love Triangle

16 - Shirtless Scene
17 - Anti Hero
18 - Ditzy Genius
19 - Big Damn Hero
20 - Power Trio


01 - Platonic Life Partners - Amy/11th [Doctor Who] - When I think of this trope, no one else really pop into my mind than these two. They love each other so much. I love that they didn't make Amy into Rose nr. 2, pining for the Doctor in every possible episode. Don't get me wrong I like Rose, she was my favourite for a couple Seasons, but after getting to know and love Donna and Amy, sorry. And I know Amy had a 'thing' for the Doctor, but I think that was probably a 'thing' for what he really stands for and it has always been Rory! I think this colour scheme fits them so nicely!
02 - Rapunzel Hair - Daenerys Targaryen [Game of Thrones] - I think Dany is perfect for this trope, her hair is beautiful in every possible way and rather long. I also wanted to try something different, so I added a dragon element and some text. It is supposed to be Blood & Fire, I really like it even if the letter "b" is not too visible.
03 - The Gunslinger - Ana Lucia Cortez [Lost] - I could have chosen several characters for this even without holding an actual gun, as I just made a gun texture some days ago and been meaning to use it, but then I thought of Ana Lucia. I think she is a really special character and as much as I didn't like her in the beginning, she and her story grown on me so much I ended up crying when she "left". I wanted to use lights and brighter colours to stay in contradiction with what most people think about her.
04 - Action Mom - Amy Pond [Doctor Who] - Last time around I barely had any thoughts considering this trope, but since then I seen almost every entry submitted and you amazing people gave me ideas and how could I miss on Amy being an action mom? She totally is!
05 - First Kiss - Kelly/Seth [Misfits] - Kelly and Seth is my favourite ever Misfits couple. I was happy when Kelly got a worthy love interest. They have so much chemistry. ♥ It was no wonder I would icon them this time around.

06 - Heterosexual Life Partners - Sherlock/John [Sherlock BBC] - They are the epitome of this trope. I still have to watch the last episode that aired, but I love them a lot. The icon was a lucky 'accident'. :p I love the warm colours and the silhouettes and I am totally addicted to making and using grunge textures.
07 - Disappears Into Light - Morgana Pendragon [Merlin BBC] - I have been meaning to icon this early!Morgana screencap for a long long long while. I have tried like a dozen times before and finally for this challenge I could make something that I liked. I am so disappointed with how evil and dark they made Morgana to be, and in general disappointed in the writers for the far end of Season 4, so I chose to work with early seasons where Morgana was still good. I miss her kindness and genuine goodness, it is sad that her sorrow and anger painted her heart so black. :c I used a lot of blue and purple, because those colours fit her a lot and I made half of the icon darker to symbolise her "falling".
08 - Home Sweet Home - Mary/Robert/the Abbey [Downton Abbey] - Both Mary and Robert, but especially Robert really love their home, and I was looking for something different from what I did before and this came to mind. I used muted colours, and a lot of light.
09 - Lady In Red - Sansa Stark [Game of Thrones] - Well, she has gorgeous red hair, doesn't she? ♥ The icon itself is also an experimental "lucky" outcome. I discovered some techniques and effects that made the colour so vivid and give depth. I really like it.
10 - Breakout Character - Rory Williams [Doctor Who] - For me Rory is the ultimate breakout character. Considering the little amount of time he was present in Season 5, in Season 6 he was present in each and also his personality broke out too, it matured and we got to know more about him, and towards the end he was willing to embrace his full potential. Also..., his love for Amy is beautiful. The moment I chose to icon is from Season 6 - Episode 4 - The Doctor's Wife when the Tardis sent telepathic images to his head and he focused. I used muted dark/sepia-ish colours and grunge.

11 - Love To Hate - Ben Linus [Lost] - Yeah, I just kind of want to strangle Ben so far. He is a good addition to Lost though, he is kind of a mastermind and a puppetiere too. I chose to make a dark icon after finding the perfect cap, and adding a quote which really stands for Ben as I believe he genuinely believes that he and his tribe are the good guys. I also used parts of a Doctor Who screencap to add texture, and some yet unshared textures. It is kind of a psycho icon.
12 - Badass - Parker/Eliot [Leverage] - I think Parker and Eliot are really badass when they work together. Also yellow fits them a lot. I don't know what else to say other than I think that Eliot cares for Parker a lot!
13 - Mind Screw - Echo [Dollhouse] - The show, Dollhouse is the epitome of "mind screw", even literally. I so disliked the amount of crap they put Echo through, especially when she was chased by this psycho who wanted to "hunt". I used greens, because I think that colour really goes well with her.
14 - Break The Cutie - Sansa Stark [Lost] - I had a lot of ideas for this trope, for example: Desmond, Juliet from Lost, but I ended up going with Sansa, because I have a fondness of iconing her! I think soft colours and negative space go well with her.
15 - Love Triangle - Leo/Piper/Dan [Charmed] - I didn't want to do Lost again, and I couldn't think of a lot of triangles, so I was happy when I thought about Charmed. Piper had real trouble choosing between Leo and Dan. I had a hard time iconing this though, because good Charmed screencapture are non-existant! I hope the quality is alright.

16 - Shirtless Scene - Desmond Hume [Lost] - Well..., Desmond has a really nice body, doesn't he? :p I kind of like how the icon turned out to be, the muted, clean background just makes the eye focus on him and his body so much more!
17 - Anti Hero - Cole Turner [Charmed] - As much as Cole is a demon, after a certain amount of time and after being acknowledged as one and as he fell in love with Phoebe, he saved the girl's butts countless times, saving the day. Besides, he is hot, and the western style suited him in this episode.
18 - Ditzy Genius - Parker [Leverage] - Well, Parker is a genius on a lot of levels, even levels we haven't discovered yet, but when it comes for social interactions, the poor thing is oblivious and clueless. I love how Hardison and Sophie and the rest of the group slowly introduces her to "humanity". It is lovely to watch her develop and expand. It is real and believeable, mostly because it is happening really slowly. The colouring was done with the similar process I used with the Lady in Red icon.
19 - Big Damn Hero - Harry Potter [Harry Potter and the countless sessions of awesome] - The moment Harry breaks the Elder Wand, and I blended him in front of the Hogwarts castle, because that resembles a lot. Also sepia/grunge style. ♥
20 - Power Trio - 11th/Amy/Rory [Doctor Who] - These three make wonderful things happen together, it is magic! :p I went for a simplier style, mainly focusing on depth and colouring.

Also vetica's textures are for the win people. Take my word for it, he makes amazing stuff, so go check them out and download, you won't regret it one bit!
I used his textures a lot in this batch! I also used my own, of course, some of the provided textures in the inspiration batch, some of fuuurs's and fprintmoon's gorgeous textures, and I think some of rosebein's textures too.


Take care of yourselves,
with love,

icons: fandom, movies: harry potter, tv: charmed, tv: lost, tv: merlin, tv: doctor who, tv: sherlock bbc, tv: game of thrones, tv: misfits, tv: downton abbey, !20in20 challenges, tv: leverage, tv: dollhouse, icons

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