#43 - Mod Post / Questions / 3 icons

Jan 10, 2012 17:43

Hello, dear Watchers!

1. After much dilemma I am extending the Texture Battle once more, as me and a lot more people aren't finished yet. Please let me know, how much time you need! I am sorry for the inconvenience for those of you who are already finished. You are awesome. ♥

2. I would like to know what would you like to see from me here in this community, graphic-wise in 2012?

- What kind of graphics would you like to see more of?
- What kind of experiments/styles you suggest I try out?
- What kind of fandoms would you like me to icon or get into (watch, so I will become addicted, obviously) These could be both tv-shows/movies wise.
- What kind of textures would you like me to branch out to/start making?
- Anything else? Ideas and suggestions are very welcome. Thank you!

3. I finally slowly started to work on the requests, two batches of requests in fact. :) I am experimenting a lot, and here comes the surprise, text galore in the sneak peeks:

[1] Harry Potter
[2] Beauty and the Beast [Disney]
[3] True Blood

I finally realized I want to work on my typesetting, so the requests will be more or less butchered with text, not all of them obviously, but I am going to play around with text a lot more to find my comfort-zone.

Also, these previews are icons requested by pokecharm, margerydaw_s2 and winterlilies. This is my first ever True Blood icon, to be honest. >.> Awkward.

Anyhow, I am off rambling now. I appreciate your feedback on these icons, and some answers to my questions.

Thank you for being here, watching this community. ♥

Take care,
with love,
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