#38 - 20 icons - 20inspirations Battle

Dec 22, 2011 16:28

Dear, Watchers!

So, I am posting another small, but crazy icon batch for 20inspirations Round 13! This needs a little bit of explaining beforehand:

Once upon a time like 3 days ago? wildpages posted at a challenge community, and I complimented her icons as usual and we got into a conversation about Rory, we both love the boy to bits and pieces, and among the lines of some fangirling I mentioned that maybe one day I will have him as a claim for 20inspirations, and she got excited and replied with: "HOW ABOUT THIS WEEK ONE DAY?", so from that crazy ideas rolled and I suggested that maybe we should make it interesting and both make Rory icons, and we somehow ended up randomizing 20inspirations rounds, and Fate decided we should try to give Complexity a go, in 2 freaking days, but we are both sort of on the nuts side, so we took on this challenge and made it happen. Also the extension didn't hurt either. :p She chose 10 caps, I chose 10 caps and we got to working. We both also used additional other caps for blending purposes and did things on our own unique ways. I don't even have to mention her talent surpasses mine, and I adore her icons. ♥

Anyways, I tried to experiment with different approaches of blending, colouring, composition, texture use and even added some text on one icon or so. I tried some new things as well and overall I think I am content. Except when I got to see Garance's icons and my jaw dropped. Well, enough crazy ramble, and on to the icons:

[20] Rory Williams (battle) for 20inspirations

01 - Theme
02 - Divided
03 - Story
04 - Sharp
05 - Theme

06 - Four
07 - Theme
08 - Theme
09 - Theme
10 - Parallel

11 - Theme
12 - Photos
13 - Wordy
14 - Theme
15 - Paint

16 - Blend
17 - Boxes
18 - Blind
19 - Theme
20 - Theme

You can take a look at her breath-taking versions here at we_use_cheats.

Your thoughts and feedback are really appreciated as usual. ♥

Take care of yourselves,
with love,

icons: fandom, !icon-battle, !20in20 challenges, tv: doctor who, icons

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