Mod Post - Questions. I have them!

Nov 19, 2011 23:31

Dear Watchers!

I have some questions for you. I would appreciate, if you would take two-three minutes to answer them. Thank you! :)

1: Would you like me to post the annual ticky-box questions at the end of November or December?
2: Do you prefer less updates with more material, or regular two, three times a week updates with smaller icon-batches [3-9-12] and texture sets?
3: Would you like me to do weekly/monthly recommendation posts? Some icon-makers, some texture makers whose works I use. And other icon-texture related goodness.
4: Would you participate in a weekly/monthly get-to-know each other post, where you could spam, and just talk to each other, and me, hang around, let loose?
5: If you have any suggestions, please don't be shy to let me know! Thank you!

Also, the Texture Battle sign-up is closing tomorrow. I kindly thank those of you who promoted it in their communities and journals, and please continue doing so from now on as well. :) Thank you! ♥

That is it for now.
Take care of yourselves,
with love,
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