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Jul 14, 2010 22:08

My high school band director is retiring from my old school, off to go teach little ones. Probably he'll get to spend more time with his family. It leaves me thinking of all the times he helped me. All the words he said that I remember. So, I'll tell you the Essie-version of a story he told us:

Once, there was a great old sailing ship. It had an old sailing captain that was famous: he had made the journey to the new world nearly 20 times and had a crew that was dedicated to him. Every night, as the sun went down, he would walk along his ship, inspecting her for flaws, checking the work of his men. And every so often, he would pause in his work and pull out an old, yellowed scrap of paper, look at it thoughtfully, fold it up and tuck it away. His crew was very curious about what kind of wisdom or information was stashed away on that scrap of paper. When the old captain died, his first mate, who could not stand to let the mystery sink to the bottom of the ocean, grabbed the piece of paper from his captain's pocket before they gave him a sailor's burial. That night, the first mate, alone in his cabin pulled out the paper, gingerly unfolded it and read what was written:

"Port is left. Starboard is right."

The lesson? Remember the simple things. Sometimes, that's all you need. Thanks for everything G. Doug. Saw your show, and you are doing good work.


bundy, story

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